Upend expectations. Take what is normally expected from a thing and completely subvert it in a much more excellent manner than you are used to. Digestion! The Musical is an illustrated book that takes the normally short presentation of those books and makes it longer. It takes a subject that every elementary-aged child is curious about and turns it into a theme park of a book. There are three distinct areas of the book that looks at how the body digests food. Digestion! The Musical works as an illustrated book for young elementary ages, as well as, a primer on the human body for ages six and up. It’s also worth noting that it does this with style, STEM, humor, and poop, just in case your audiences are curious about the end results.
STEM, fun and dancing poop for ages 5 and upTag: Chronicle Books
Killer Underwear Invasion!, a how to spot fake news primer for 8 and up
Confirmation bias is a big term that isn’t commonly known to most high school kids. It’s at the root of social media, the rise of fake news, and is the enemy of independent thought and critical thinking. Getting young audiences to know when something that they hear or read about online is fake news can be challenging to say the least. It becomes a near impossibility when you factor in the ‘tall tales’ stage that upper elementary students enter. And this doesn’t even consider the politicization that the term ‘fake news’ garnered when it was by President Donald Trump. Half-truths, omission of facts, distractions or simply not acknowledging situations have always existed. Killer Underwear Invasion!, How to Spot Fake News, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories is by Elise Gravel. It’s a playful illustrated book, graphic novel that introduces the concept of not believing everything that you hear to those upper elementary students who desperately need it.
this book nails fake News For ages 8+Extraordinary Animals, a durable, interactive, smart book for ages five and up
If six-year-olds were in charge of bathroom books then Extraordinary Animals would be on top of every tank. The basis behind a great toilet book is that it’s fun to read and can be consumed in nuggets. Granted, in some cases, those books graduate from the water closet to mingle with the books in the general library or for leisure reading. Ultimate Spotlight Extraordinary Animals is a book that falls in that category. It also combines interactive elements from two of our favorite series of books.
Interactive, stem-oriented books for the very young you seek?