Fruits In Suits, a worthy sequel to one of our favorite children’s books

Fruits In Suits by Jared Chapman is the sequel to one of the greatest books that our children have read. That book is Vegetables in Underwear and is one that I credit in helping potty train our then 3-year old to stop wearing diapers and to use the potty. His latest book is all about suits and fruits, that being sometimes fruits in suits and packed with puns galore.

Jared chapman, fruits in suits, pottytraining, vegetables in underwear,

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Don’t Blink! is an interactive, fun picture book for 6 and younger


Imagine a children’s book that takes root from a classic game that every child plays at one point. The game takes place usually when kids are between 5 and 7 years old, doesn’t require any money, is difficult to have a proven winner and sometimes involves a little man who is ¼ inch tall. Don’t Blink! is a children’s book that takes the seminal children’s game, blink and provides it with visual cues for kids to laugh along to.

Don’t blink, tom booth, childrens book, picture book

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Puss in Boots: Trapped in an Epic Tale on Netflix breaks a wall

We’re part of the StreamTeam for Netflix and were compensated or received product for this post. All thoughts are our own. Back in 1988’s Big starring Tom Hanks they had a prescient scene where his character, Josh, a 12 year old boy in a 30 year old man’s body had an idea. What if a comic book allowed you to select different directions within the story? Choose Your Adventure is the literary equivalent of that and now technology has caught up with the idea. Netflix has debuted an online streaming version of that with Puss In Boots: Trapped in an Epic Tale. This is a standalone episode, not included in one of the streaming seasons that are available on Netflix.

Puss in boots, puss in boots trapped in an epic tale, Netflix, streaming, children’s programming, buddy thunderstruck

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 What George Forgot is one that pre-K kids will not


Sometimes it’s tricky to forecast what books your children will enjoy. When we received What George Forgot , a children’s book by Kathy Wolff I didn’t think that our 5 year old would be interested in it. However, he sauntered over to my desk and grabbed that book for us to read to him. That is worth noting because he never does that and usually relies on his staple books beside his bed. Yet, that night (and many times since then) he’s chosen What George Forgot as his good-night book.

What George forgot, children’s book, the monster at the end of the book, Kathy wolff, Richard byrne

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Mad Scientist Academy- smart, fun reading kids 9 and under will want to do

One of the great aspects of having multiple children is seeing the next projects that their favorite authors produce. When our 7 year old was 3, Even Aliens Need Snacks was one of his favorite books. That book was the sequel to the very popular Even Aliens Need Haircuts by Matthew McElligott. His new series of books is called the Mad Scientist Academy and is just as great as ‘snacks’, but completely different and aimed at slightly older children. The most recent book, The Weather Disaster is as educational as it is fun to read, which is something that a children’s books can rarely accomplish.

Mad scientist academy, the weather disaster, matthew mcelligott, weather, even aliens need snacks, even aliens need haircuts.

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Dash is a front row seat to watching your kids learn STEM-and love it

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.  STEM is where it’s at. Parents with kids in elementary through middle school have been hammered with the memo that any aspect of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) will be a huge part of their life and success. To that end, Dash is here to help children aged 6 and up become excited about technology and coding to a level that makes it one of the best children’s computer products we’ve ever seen.

best buy, Dash, STEM, STEM skills, education, Wonder Cloud, coding,

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Education options for the cord cutting family on Netflix

We’re part of the Stream Team for Netflix and were compensated for this post. The end of a school year means the kids are home more. Even if you have summer camps and family vacations planned the kids will still be in front of the television more. This means that you’ve got to be careful what they watch, especially if your family is like ours and cut the cord. Relying on Netflix for your home entertainment options can still be educational for kids during the summer.  Here are six cool options that are great for kids as young as two.


What’s the Midnight Zone? Our children saw that episode on Netflix more than four years ago and can still tell us marine trivia. Sure, The Octonauts are just an animated show, but it immediately attracts children who are two years old and up. It’s filled with fun characters and much more education than  you realize. Case in point: the midnight zone, it’s the really deep part of the ocean where those shy, colorful creatures hang out.


A quick search of some BBC options on Netflix reveal Bob the Builder, Angelina Ballerina, Octonauts (!) and Sarah and Duck, but also dozens of fabulous nature documentaries. Those documentaries will be rated G or PG and have the trademark BBC quality that adults know and seek out. From sharks, wolves, planets, continents and weird animals there’s a BBC documentary that will suit your child (or you!).

White rabbit project, Netflix, stream team, PBS, the magic school bus, ask the storybots, education, cord cutting, octonauts, BBC

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The Loud House, Season 1, Volume 1 review and giveaway

Lincoln Loud, you are forgiven. Heretofore, the only episodes that I’ve seen of The Loud House were on YouTube. Unfortunately those episodes are presented with incorrect aspect ratios, bad audio and at a speed just above normal. Our son would come back home (from someone that had cable) and watch The Loud House. It’s the story of a well meaning 11 year old boy, his ten sisters and his best friend. The Loud House, Welcome to the Loud House, Season 1, Volume 1 is available on DVD on May 23.

The loud house, welcome to the loud house, season 1, volume 1,

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