Book review: Even Aliens Need Snacks by Matthew McElligott

Even Aliens Need Snacks is the story about a young boy who likes to cook.  He helps his mother in the kitchen and creates his own recipes until his sister makes fun of him by saying that nobody would eat his recipes.  The brother then sets out to prove his sister wrong (as any brother would do) by setting up snack stand in his front yard. Continue reading Book review: Even Aliens Need Snacks by Matthew McElligott

How to plan a Batman Party for children

Batman has always been a staple in pop culture.  The person behind the mask has evolved and changed, but kids have grown up with some version of the caped crusader since the 60’s.   When I got the opportunity to host a Batman party from BSM Media it agreed with my fan boy sensibilities and my desire to further my child’s interest in one of the great super heroes. Continue reading How to plan a Batman Party for children

You’d be crazy not to like OH, NUTS! by Tammi Sauer

As a dad, some of the best books that I can read to my children are those that I can enjoy too.  I also don’t want there to be too many words and if I can read it without putting my glasses on that’s a plus.  With those classifiers in mind, OH, NUTS! is a fabulous book.  It’s clever enough to keep adults entertained; the children will love the illustrations and learn a life lesson about being happy. Continue reading You’d be crazy not to like OH, NUTS! by Tammi Sauer

When should your kids meet Star Wars?

For record, I presume that all children at some point in time will be introduced to Star Wars.  Since I was a kid the Star Wars universe has grown a bit.  It’s much more than movies, now it’s toys, books (comics!), an eventual theme park and of course the movies.  We’re glad that Disney purchased them because it will give the brand a fresh start-and Disney does things on a first class scale.  Continue reading When should your kids meet Star Wars?

Psychobaby-truly unique kid’s clothing, review and giveaway

If you’ve seen a kid wearing something unique, hipster or rock and roll it was probably purchased at Psychobaby.  They’ve got one of the largest selections we’ve seen of good rock and roll baby clothing that we’ve seen.  Of course they have the relative music staples, but they also have AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, KISS and The Ramones.  For my wife and I The Ramones have always provided a bonding moment for us. Continue reading Psychobaby-truly unique kid’s clothing, review and giveaway

Updating the winter fashion for a growing toddler at CookiesKids

One of the joys of having two boys that are almost two years-to the day apart, is that they can in theory share clothing.  That theory can quickly fly out of the window if the second one grows quicker or slower than his big brother.  In our case, More Mojo is growing much quicker that he did, which is preventing us from recycling their clothing as much. Continue reading Updating the winter fashion for a growing toddler at CookiesKids

#1 and #3 of 18 Summers: Curiosity and finding our legs

In May I went to Disney Social Media Moms.  It’s a social media conference at Walt Disney World that helps bloggers think, be creative, have fun and meet other family bloggers.    Authors, social media folks and a couple of Walt Disney employees all spoke to us on a variety of things.   One of the speakers, Amy Foster from Disney Park Insight mentioned “18 summers”Continue reading #1 and #3 of 18 Summers: Curiosity and finding our legs

Little Tikes around my house-and children too

We’re three years into children and like an athlete that starts a new sport we’ve noticed collections starting to appear.  There is the collection of balls, all different sizes and colors that go to different toys, but now just end up in a big pile called “Balls”.   In another part of the house there’s a box of plastic figures and spread out over the house (and in the garage) are assorted toys from Little Tikes. Continue reading Little Tikes around my house-and children too

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