Archie by Domenica More Gordon is a wordless book to howl over

Archie is a wordless book that tells the story of an owner, Archie, who starts making clothing for his dog.  Archie is also a dog, but he’s a human figure with a dog head.  So, Archie’s dog starts wearing this clothing and it’s a big hit!  Soon enough the owners who had been ordering clothing for their dogs want Archie to make them clothing too.   Continue reading Archie by Domenica More Gordon is a wordless book to howl over

Checklist with a Tired Parent: Why is my Crawler Crying?

More Mojo was upset.  At 11 months old he was crying, yelling and becoming the red faced, high pitched noise machine that makes people who don’t already have children take an oath of celibacy. When your crawler is in the thick of a tantrum it’s tempting to get frustrated.  When that happened to us we did get frustrated, but also ran through our toddler Q & A checklist. Continue reading Checklist with a Tired Parent: Why is my Crawler Crying?

Cypher Kids Club is a 3D interactive app that kids will really enjoy

We’ve been teaching 3YO Mojo his ABCs since he was nine months old using karuata.  Karuata is done by having whatever you’re trying to learn on cardboard flashcards, repeating them and then having your student slap the card when you say the object.  Cypher Kids Club takes karuta and blends it into a 3D app for your Apple devices to make learning fun for kids. Continue reading Cypher Kids Club is a 3D interactive app that kids will really enjoy

Man’s best friend in the military,Dogs On Duty does it right

As a family we have two dogs.  For five years I did social media and fundraising for an animal shelter.  I’ve toured the dog training facility that trains most of the dogs that you see in airports.   I know lots about dogs, but learned even more as to how helpful dogs can be in combat situations by reading Dogs on Duty. Continue reading Man’s best friend in the military,Dogs On Duty does it right

Lil Helper is a simple, helpful device that crawlers need to have

Little crawlers love the play the drop something game.  They drop it, you pick it up and the game repeats over and over.  Sometimes the game is cute.  When they play the game at the dinner table with their cup of milk it’s never cute.  Continue reading Lil Helper is a simple, helpful device that crawlers need to have

Jake and The Never Land Pirates Who Shook Hook game review

Jake and The Never Land Pirates, Who Shook Hook game is based on the Disney Channel cartoon.  Jake is a young boy pirate with his two cohorts, Izzy and Cubby who go around Never Land looking for treasure.   Their nemesis is Captain Hook, Smee and the Crocodile from the Peter Pan books and movies. Continue reading Jake and The Never Land Pirates Who Shook Hook game review

Dr. Seuss Fun Machine lives up to its name

Dr. Seuss provides fond memories for everyone.  While the characters that provided that memory may change or be different for certain people, the memory is always pleasant.  Dr. Seuss Fun Machine combines physical play of old school games with the interactive experience of tablet games.  The app is free to download and doesn’t necessarily need the game tiles to be played, but is much more enjoyable if you have a combination of the two. Continue reading Dr. Seuss Fun Machine lives up to its name

The potty training tip that has our 3 year old leaving diaper town

For the record we’re still potty training 3YO Mojo.  His potty training started when he was 2 and a half, taking interest in the potty and having so-so results, including dad sleeping on the toilet. 3 months prior to his third birthday he started going  #1 with regularity, but the elusive #2 was still not here.  It was then that we had good idea that morphed into a great idea. Continue reading The potty training tip that has our 3 year old leaving diaper town

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