Escape from Planet Earth is the animated story of Scorch, an astronaut who likes adventure and discovering new worlds. One day Scorch receives a distress call from a notoriously dangerous planet. Despite his nerdy brother’s warnings, Scorch gets in his rocket ship to the dangerous planet for his latest rescue. Continue reading Escape From Planet Earth giveaway-$25 Visa gift card and alien swag
Tag: Children
Experiencing life instead of documenting it: A 3 YO reads to our cat
The other week 3 YO Mojo had a tricycle wreck which earned him his first trip to the ER and 6 stitches in his chin. Those stitches had to stay in for 6 days and unknown to him he had something in common with Ripley, one of our cats. A week prior to that she went to the doctor to have minor surgery near her eye; which required her to have 6 stitches too. After that the major difference that he noticed about her was that the cone she wore around her head was convenient for putting his Little People in. Continue reading Experiencing life instead of documenting it: A 3 YO reads to our cat
NogginStik is the rattle that you wish you had as newborn
A rattle is a rattle. We received lots of them for each child when they were born. They were silver or multicolored plastic, made a rattling sound and did everything a rattle should do. But what if a rattle could do more than just make a shaking noise when a baby moves it? A NogginStik is just that, it’s bumpy on the stick part, has multicolored lights and a mirror on the bottom of it. Continue reading NogginStik is the rattle that you wish you had as newborn
Nothing prepares a parent for a child’s first trip to the ER
Children are resilient, bouncy creatures covered in fleshy skin. It’s probable that at some point during your parenting adventures they’ll have an accident or do something to warrant their first trip to the ER. That happened to us-everyone is OK, just a boo boo, but it’s a bigger than average boo boo on his chin that required 6 stitches. Continue reading Nothing prepares a parent for a child’s first trip to the ER
Superman and the Poisoned Planet is a book kids will dig
When I was 7 I started reading Spidey, it was a version of Spider Man that was produced by The Electric Company. The stories were Spider Man lite, the language & art was cartoonish and the entire comic was focused on young readers. While the art may take some of the spotlight, with comic books and heroes it all comes down the reading aspects to make a good book really click. Continue reading Superman and the Poisoned Planet is a book kids will dig
Healthy up your sweet tooth with UNREAL Candy and enter to win $10,000 to shop at Target
Too much junk in your family’s trunk? 10 syllable words in your snacks got you worried? Would you rather have red colored candy be red naturally from beets or due to the mysterious chemical dye Red #40? As a parent whose child has recently discovered candy I’ve started to think about what goes into their young bodies. UNREAL Candy has a fascinating story as a company and puts their all natural ingredients where their (and your) mouth is.
What the Christmas tree means to a 3 year old
For many non secular reasons Christmas is a magical time to a 3 year old. Some of the houses in the neighborhood are decorated with bright lights outside. Ironically, more often than not it’s those houses without a 3 year old that do decorate outside. Our children are all 3 or younger and I’ve observed that the magical ‘decorate outside age’ is when the oldest is 5 and up. Continue reading What the Christmas tree means to a 3 year old
Moving Christmas is a silly Santa story you’ll be drawn to
Moving Christmas is one of those clever Christmas stories that you immediately enjoy. The illustrations by Max Miceli are fun, bright, goofy and vivid. The pictures have so much movement and action it looks like they’re screenshots from a movie or app. Moving Christmas is an app, but it’s also a book. Continue reading Moving Christmas is a silly Santa story you’ll be drawn to