2 books on foreign language and culture: 1 curious 1 conversational

We’re teaching our kids a 2nd language.  I’ll speak as much Spanish as I know, mix in bits of the other languages I speak, put in some Curious George en Espanol and they’re super happy to listen and learn.    We received two books that help children understand things outside of their own culture.  Bosley Sees the World is an English/Spanish book about a bear that travels the world.  If You Were Me and Lived in…..Norway is an introductory book about what life is like for Norwegian children.  Both books are good at teaching about different cultures; one just does it from a tourist perspective while the other is more education based.

Bosley Sees the World cover

Continue reading 2 books on foreign language and culture: 1 curious 1 conversational

Free Halloween music playlist from Disney

For our oldest son’s Halloween party at school we were responsible for the drinks, cookies and music.  I asked my wife if she had Thriller on the MP3 player.  Thriller is a lot of parent’s default Halloween music, more for the memories of the video than the music itself.  It was then when I was about to dust off my moonwalk shoes that I found about a family friendly free Halloween music for kids playlist that Disney put out.

Disney Halloween Songs Playlist

Continue reading Free Halloween music playlist from Disney

Is it wrong that I’m glad our oldest son likes blue and not pink?

The other day we were shopping and I asked our 4 year old what bubble bath he wanted.  I showed him two bottles.  “The pink one is for girls”, he said.  I agreed with him, but didn’t say anything because pink is for girls, as we walked towards the feminine product to purchase tampons for my wife. Continue reading Is it wrong that I’m glad our oldest son likes blue and not pink?

In defense of a hot mom on Facebook and fat children in England

The other day I read this great article in The Daily Mail.  It was written by a health professional at a weight management center, or centre as he would write.  This morning I was greeted with the obvious bait link of a headline, “Hot Mom on Facebook Defends Herself”.  That story was not what I thought it would be, but it was also a great read about motivation, exercise and parenting.  I simply combined the two stories in my head to come up with the train wreck of a headline: In Defense of a hot mom on Facebook and fat children in England.

Maria Kang:  What's Your Excuse? Continue reading In defense of a hot mom on Facebook and fat children in England

Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike review: Stylish, helpful and kids love it

What kind of freak would steal pedals to a children’s bike, I thought to myself when I first saw the Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike.  It was then explained to me that the pedals were never there and that a balance bike helps young children learn and practice their balance.  Why can’t children just learn by falling off their bike the way that I did, my old school self said in my inner monologue.  Enter the Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike, a product you may not think that your toddler needs, but they do. Continue reading Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike review: Stylish, helpful and kids love it

Awkward questions from children: Daddy, what’s in your willy?

The many questions that a 4 year old asks are the stuff of legend.  Sometimes the questions from children will be earnest and straight forward.  It’s those other times when your children ask questions that are unexpected, innocent or just downright weird. Continue reading Awkward questions from children: Daddy, what’s in your willy?

An aunt and 3 fans review One Direction: This Is Us

I’m honest. If I wasn’t driving my nieces – ages 8, 10 and 12 – to the movie, I wouldn’t have gone. I don’t have anything against One Direction (I was a fan of NKOTB in 6th grade too!) but I’m in my twenties now (read: 37). However, seeing my nieces see One Direction: This Is Us was a lot of fun. Continue reading An aunt and 3 fans review One Direction: This Is Us

The Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller is the only one you need with two kids

When you have more than one small child who needs a stroller it gets complicated.   When your youngest child is old enough to not be in a car seat while in the stroller your options open up dramatically.   Do you get a jogger stroller, regular stroller or a bike trailer that you can put your little people into?   The Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller is all of those types of strollers in one-and it does them all very well. Continue reading The Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller is the only one you need with two kids

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