How to make flour hand casts #Sponsored

I’m an SC Johnson blogger.  Every month I write posts for their Green Choices blog.  This is an excerpt from that post and a link to a post about the topic.  

If you have children you’ll want to mark a period of their life by some sort of print.  A hand or foot print is what you’ll go with and there are a couple ways to do it.  We’ve made hand casts a couple of different ways, both with plaster and flour.  Of the two, flour is much easier and produces better hand casts.

Daddy Mojo SC Johnson_DIY-Flour-Hand-&-Foot-Casts-_Feb2014

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Discover the Dinosaurs review: great times for kids for 2+ hours

Discover the Dinosaurs is a traveling exhibit that features dinosaur attractions of a wide variety.  The entire exhibition is broken up into two distinct areas. The exhibit area features the moving, roaring dinosaurs that will captivate your child’s imagination.  The other areas like the Dino Dig, Dino Theater, Dino Den, Dinosaur Rides, inflatables, gem & fossil panning, mini golf and gift shop make up the other half.  Our review of Discover the Dinosaurs says that it’s a great time for kids, but parents need to be aware of a couple things in order to really appreciate the event.

Discover the Dinosaurs

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Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey bring Built to Amaze! to Atlanta Feb., 5-17

I was provided with a family 4-pack of ticket in exchange for this posting.  All thoughts are our own.  Elephants are really cool, so are tigers, lions and bears. It was on the way out of the last Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey show that our 3 year old said, ‘can we go back to the circus tomorrow’?   Ah, children and their concept of time, it’s precious.  However, in real world time I knew it would be a year before they came back and we’ll see how interested he is then.

Built to Amaze

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He’s All Boy alphabet cards, just not the way I want it to be done

Alpha Cards, He’s All Boy, are ABC flash cards for boys, but could also be enjoyed by girls.  They’re a deck of alphabet cards with non-traditional pictures that go with each letter.   There are so many things that I love about the product, but ultimately it’s not something that we could embrace.  If your child is not learning the alphabet and is attracted to mild gross humor then this is for you.  Think the Garbage Pail Kids teach the alphabet and you’re going in the right direction.

He Is All Boy flashcards

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A parent’s toy gift guide for Cyber Monday and beyond

With the Christmas holidays just around the corner I wanted to share some of the really cool toys that we’ve either purchased or received.  On Cyber Monday and pretty much all of December you’ll be able to find some nice discounts on most of these.  The toys or entertainment on this gift guide are great for kids from 2 to 10.  While not an ultimate parent’s toy gift guide for children, it’s a good starting point if you want a basic primer on gifts that kids in that age range would like.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

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The Fisher-Price Octonauts Octopod Playset Giveaway

We played with the Octonauts Octopod Playset, more specifically, our children played with it.  They loved it and it provided hours of creative free play with Barnacles, Kwazii and various sea creatures whom they rescued.  Eventually the farm animals made their way to the Octopod and it was all manner of imaginative play.  Thanks to our friends in the PR world we’re having a giveaway for a copy of the Octonauts Octopod Playset.

Octonauts octopod playset

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The Fisher-Price Octonauts Octopod Playset provides hours of free play fun

Prior to receiving the Octonauts Octopod Playset to review we hadn’t seen the show.  I was aware of it, but hadn’t seen an episode of it.  Since our oldest has been playing with the Octonauts Octopod Playset he’s been sounding the Octo Alert, rescuing various sea critters and wondering why this show isn’t available on Roku.   Parents who are down with the Octonauts know what I’m speaking about the others will discover it when their child is about 3 or 4.

The Octonauts Octopod playset 2

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The day our son learned about death

Recently we had a family cat cross over the rainbow bridge.  Ripley was an older cat, had some sudden health issues and died.  One of the first thoughts I had afterwards was how do we tell our oldest son that one of the cats died?  He’s always been close with the animals, all of whom are older, and teaching him about death isn’t something that I had given any thought to. So how do you teach young children about death?

Ripley the cat

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