Looking for children’s Earth Day activities? #ad

Earth Day is April 22.  You don’t have to get all Captain Planet in order to do things to take part in Earth Day.  In fact it’s better if you do little things every day of the year, as opposed to doing a one big clean out or group project.  If you’re looking for children’s Earth Day activities look no further than our monthly post over at the SC Johnson blog.


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Angry Birds Toons-Season 1, Volume 2: review and giveaway

Taking the story of a video game to another medium is problematic.  The material usually won’t stand  up to the larger format or longer running time.  With very few successes you can’t think of a video game that has successfully converted to another visual format other than games.  Sure it may have sold some different toys, but video is a whole different ballgame.  That is what is so surprising about Angry Birds Toons Season 1, Volume 2, it’s good.  Actually it’s better than good, has our kids laughing out loud and is entertaining for adults too, here’s why.

Angry Birds  Toons, Season One, Volume Two DVD review and giveaway

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Peppa Pig-My Birthday Party: creative & fun characters for kids

We don’t have cable.  Because of that we miss out on some shows and networks.  Peppa Pig airs on Nick Jr. and is one that we hadn’t seen until this video.  Each episode is just over 5 minutes, has a very brisk pace and is quite disarming.  Our children, even the 4 year old, loved Peppa Pig.  Our 2 year old liked it too, but his way of showing appreciation consisted of pointing and yelling at the DVD cover.

Peppa Pig My Birthday Party reviewed by Daddy Mojo

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Happy Birthday Barney new to video on April 15

Barney to 20 and 30 something’s is the guy from HIMYM, closely followed by everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur. You say Barney to me and other parents and I say dinosaur, closely followed by please, may I and thank you.   He’s the tall friendly dino that kids 1-4 love to watch and that parents don’t mind because of the positive lessons he teaches.  His latest video release, Happy Birthday Barney is new in stores on April 15.

Happy Birthday Barney out on video April 15

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Snuggle The Baby: interactive toddler laughs and education

The cover for Snuggle The Baby confused me at first.  Without reading the press release I dived right in and looked it over.  I don’t get it, I thought after going through it once.  I then went to the front and back cover and clearly understood what the book was trying to accomplish.  “An interactive book!” it says on the front and “includes gentle instructions…..for practice and play” on the back.  Boom, now I get it, you do too don’t you?

Daddy Mojo reads Snuggle the Baby

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St. Baldrick’s is this weekend-Can you help?

It’s a cliché to say that Cancer sucks, but it does.  It’s the world’s worst night club with the DJ only having one song, it’s one you don’t like and it’s being repeated all night.  That song is a Cancer cell, a rogue cell that keeps cloning, over and over.  If it spreads, or metastasizes then it’s going to other organs and will cause real damage, in many cases terminal.  St. Baldrick’s is happening soon, it’s a fundraiser to raise money for children’s Cancer-can you help?

Are you going to a St. Baldrick’s event this weekend?  You can support the cause in advance or when you show up-either way it’s going to a worthy cause.

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Big Apple Circus delivers in an intimate big top experience

Go big or go home? Not necessarily when you go to the Big Apple Circus. The Big Apple Circus is a more intimate version of Cirque de Soleil crossed with Barnum and Bailey Circus. I took my sons, ages 4 and 2, to see the circus with my 11 year-old niece who came to help. But between the clowns, the acrobats and the animals, they had us covered.

Big Apple Circus review by Daddy Mojo

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