The Cosco NEXT Convertible car seat is light, priced right and compact

Having a baby means a whole new department of product education. One of the biggest entries in that category are car seats. We were offered the chance to review the Cosco NEXT Convertible Car Seat.  Baby car seats run the gamut with bells, whistles and colors, but at the end of the day all you, as the parent want is for it to be safe, just in case an accident happens.

The Cosco NEXT Convertible car seat is light, priced right and compact

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The Tiny Traveler Egypt and France: armchair, toddler education

It’s a different world now isn’t it?  When I was a kid it seemed so large, foreign and unapproachable.  The Tiny Traveler France and The Tiny Traveler Egypt are cardboard books designed for kids two and under about colors and shapes.  When the books arrived I took out the France book to show our oldest some of the monuments in France.  I sometimes start out things with a question, so I asked him, “what’s this?” pointing to the Eifel Tower on the cover.

The Tiny Traveler Egypt and France: armchair, toddler education

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Kid catch phrases, spring 2105: the danger hole

Kids say cute things all the time. A couple years ago it was the very cryptic “fi fi outside”.  For a while my wife and I thought that “fi fi outside” was one of the neighbors walking their dog. To the adult mind that makes sense but makes you question your neighbors who would have the faux Parisian gall to name their dog ‘fi fi’. By the end of that spring we realized that he was saying “leaf outside”, which still makes sense because of the ‘-af’ sound that they hear last.  This spring has created a new catchphrase, one that’s replete with soundtrack memories of Kenny Loggins.

Kid catch phrases, spring 2105: the danger hole

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My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

My Little Pony has a couple of titles in their lineup and our 5 year old likes them. We highlight them on the list of new all age comic books and this month they’ve got an event that’ll introduce many new fans to the dark side of Equestria. Our experience with the ponies in Equestria is limited, so to know that there are so many villains in the series encourages us for future issues.

My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

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What the kids are watching #StreamTeam

We’re part of the #StreamTeam and were compensated by Netflix for this post.  All thoughts are our own. Happy Spring (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) and Happy Fall (if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere)-and a big welcome to Netflix if you live in Australia! If the pollen gets you down or those spring showers make it so that you’ve got to spend some time inside here are some gems to watch on Netflix.

What the kids are watching #StreamTeam

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Ultimate Spider-Man Magazine, comic and activity for kids 6-12

Ultimate Spider-Man Magazine is one of those activity books that you see in doctor waiting rooms.  It’s packed with color pictures of Spider-Man in action, has dozens of activities, one main comic story and lots of pages with trivia, spot the difference games and more.  The magazine is printed from Redan and our 5 year old loves it, but I can’t buy it for him yet.

Ultimate Spider-Man Magazine is all age comic, workbook fun

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Brainzy from is perfect for kids 3-7

Our kids are 3 and 5, when asked if we wanted to evaluate Brainzy, it was well, a no-brainer.  Brainzy is their latest online learning program that builds reading, math and computer skills for children 3-7.  See it’s a great fit for us, but is the game really educational for the kids?

Brainzy screenshot. 2

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The Ultimate Laurie Berkner Band Collection, happy, kindie 101

If you do a search for top kindie artists Laurie Berkner is in any top 10 list.  Since 2002 she’s been recording acoustic guitar children’s music to the delight of preschoolers, young children and adults everywhere.  To be a fan of children’s music and not like Laurie Berkner is to say that you like rap, but don’t like Run DMC.  She’s the blueprint of kindie for a reason and The Ultimate Luarie Berkner Band Collection is packed with 22 songs that prove that.


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