Making babies and the many roads of a child’s conversation

Perhaps it should be called the autobahn or the cul-de-sac of a child’s conversation.  It’s those times when you’re innocently talking to a child and they open up a whole new dimension of where you were planning on going with the conversation.  Sometimes it’s an innocent cul-de-sac where the conversation goes round and round while other times it takes that light speed to Endor jump from innocent to hold me tightly, I need a moment. This is a combination of the two of those streets.

Making babies and the many roads of a child’s conversation

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Vegetables in Underwear is ridiculous, potty training fun

So, our youngest is 3 and knows that he should use the potty, but doesn’t most of the time.  He’ll use it just prior to bath time, but won’t tell us during the day if he has to go.  Vegetables in Underwear is a silly book about vegetables, in underwear and being ridiculously happy about it.  A large piece of broccoli strips down to their red underwear and runs across the pages where they meet their other vegetables wearing underwear.

Vegetables in Underwear, ridiculous, potty training fun

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Strep, it’s not just for throats anymore

Charlie’s not much of a talker. He rambles on endlessly, but the ratio of intelligible words to cute children mutterings is far tilted in the former.  When he kept saying ‘bum hurts’ we paid it a little attention, but didn’t panic.  On the upside, that is awesome that our child is speaking in British slang.  However, if he says that he wants to wear his fanny pack then we’ll stop his lessons there. Sure enough, his bottom was red, it looked like a little diaper rash, but we’d definitely seen worse.

Strep, it’s not just for the throat anymore

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Here are the all age comics for Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day happens the first Saturday in May. It’s a chance when all of the comic publishers print new stories and put them in a special free book. In some cases they’ll publish snippets of old stories, regardless, Free Comic Book Day is awesome and a great chance to find new books and introduce your children to all age comics to help with the lifelong habit of reading.

Some comic book stores will have a limit or certain books will have a limited quantity.  For example our local store lets you get five comics.  Some of the comics will still be in stock the next day because there are more of them available.   This guide will show you all of the all age comics, there are many others that are geared to teens or mature audiences.

The All age comics for Free Comic Book Day 2015

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Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge returns to comic books

Before now one of the major voids in comic books was Walt Disney. How can a company that has created dozens upon dozens of classic characters not consistently produce comic books? That question has been answered with IDW now printing Disney Comics. It all starts with Uncle Scrooge #1 (405) and will continue with Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories.

Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge returns to comic books

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Earthworm Ensemble, pleasant, Earthy tunes for more than organic kindie

The latest release from Earthworm Ensemble, Backyard Garden is more than kid friendly from the get-go.  Its cover gives you a heads up that (most of) the disc is packed with songs that any age can relate to about the backyard, gardening and all things eco. All of the songs are great for kids and the, pardon the pun, organic sound of them will allow them to learn and appreciate a wide variety of musical instruments.  All of the songs are groovy, upbeat and easy going, but the disc would’ve benefited from being a very strong 10 songs instead of a more bloated feeling 13 songs.

Earthworm Ensemble, pleasant, Earthy tunes for more than organic kindie-Giveaway

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Being happy isn’t hard according to The Candy Newspaper

As another school year ends I’m taking note of the little things that will not be the same next year. Our oldest will start kindergarten and his younger brother will continue speech classes at the same elementary school. We’re doing our errands, dropping them off here and there and I realize that this is the most time I will ever spend with them. That is much more of a blessing than a curse and I need to remind myself of that from time to time.

Being happy isn’t hard according to The Candy Newspaper

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