Summer fun with the kids, exercise KIND snacks and #KINDMilesMatter #ad

I partnered with Life of Dad and KIND for this promotion. All thoughts are my own. Summertime and the exercise is easy, I might write a song that starts out something like that. Seriously though, summer is a fun time to get outside and exercise with the kids. The only difference with the children is that you don’t call it exercise, per se, it’s just called seeing a new town, going to the nature center or learning to ride a bike/swim.  It’s all about #KINDMilesMatter, jamming as much healthy fun as you can into the summer vacation. Here’s a sampling of what we did to burn some calories and how you can dig some KIND Snacks for something so tasty you won’t want to share it with the kids, but you should.

Summer outdoor fun with the kids, exercise and #KINDMilesMatter

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I, Fly is educational & fun about something that shouldn’t be

I, Fly, much like the book’s namesake comes up out of nowhere. This is an unassuming book that gets better, funnier and more interesting the more times that you read it. A fly comes in the window of a school room and asks the kids what they’re studying. I know that sounds like a bad joke, but in this case it’s how the book starts and it is quite funny to adults and children.  After reading the book several times to our children I think of flies in an entirely different light, although I do still valiantly try to smash them with the fly swatter.

I, Fly is educational and fun about something that shouldn’t be

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The Alphabet of Bugs is photo driven ABC edutainment

Depending on your child The Alphabet of Bugs is a great teaching book about the alphabet or a book that they’ll pretend to be scared of, but secretly will love looking at the vivid bugs while learning the alphabet. Each page has a very large alphabet letter on the left hand side with a full color photograph of an exotic bug on the right. It’s a book that will encourage curiosity with the bugs while teaching them their letters too.

The Alphabet of Bugs

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A boy’s Fantastic time 4 eating out at Denny’s with dad #ad

We were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own and rest assured, we really, really like to eat. “I liked the castle Denny’s daddy”, our oldest said as we drove away. Well, to be fair, it was constructed with lots of big logs, rocks and we drove over a lake (which he could’ve thought was a mote), so in the eyes of a five year old it could look like a castle. Castle setting aside there was no sense of Doom, we were there to eat, learn about the new Fantastic 4 menu items and tell you about how you and a buddy can win a trip to the world premiere of the film.

Dennys Fantastic 4

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Every morning, at least a glass a day #MilkDrive for good #ad

I have partnered with Life of Dad and Milk Life for this promotion.  I received compensation for my participation, but my mojo for Milk isn’t just due to that stylish white stache I got. June is a great month for milk. Not only is it National Dairy Month, but The Great American Milk Drive is happening this month. That’s a lot of potentially cheese activities happening, but it’s all for a great cause and here’s how you can support it, with a contest a la Thunderdome and a gaggle of guy bloggers.

Unless you start your day with @milklife your day is doomed. #MilkDrive #ad

A photo posted by Trey Burley (@treyburley) on

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The Whale in my Swimming Pool, disarmingly fun picture book

The Whale in my Swimming Pool is effectively named and cuts to the chase on the third page. A young boy is eager to hop into the swimming pool but finds that there is a whale already in it. It’s one of those round, plastic pools, so of course the whale takes up more than three times the size of the pool. From here the book really cooks and is clever, imaginative and so very simple that it’ll leave even the most frustrated child with a smile.

The Whale in my Swimming Pool, disarmingly fun picture book

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Colossal Paper Machines is a big, fun, book older kids will love

Colossal Paper Machines is a massive book. It’s two bananas tall, a banana and a half wide, is one of the heaviest books we’ve received and is one that your kids will use, have fun with and spend hours putting together. The book has 10 models that older kids (or you!) can build out of thick quality, almost cardboard paper.  It’s an amazing feat of engineering, reverse engineering, creativity and precise glue placement that will boggle your mind.

Colossal Paper Machines is a big, fun, book older kids will love

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Vince Vaughn is wrong, but not for the reason you think

Before the other day I didn’t have an opinion about guns in school. The day actor Vince Vaughn came out in support of guns, but I haven’t cared or modeled my opinions based on what celebrities think since high school. However, that same day I was in a school lock down. It wasn’t a drill, the threat was valid and I got to see it all happen.

Vince Vaughn is wrong, but not for the reason you think

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