Jared Chapman potty trained my children. It’s not that author/illustrator, Jared Chapman has a side hustle wandering the country training toddlers about the virtues of going to the bathroom in the toilet. Among other books, he’s the author of Vegetables In Underwear. Vegetables In Halloween Costumes takes that theme, focuses on the carrot, and lets crawlers through pre-k kids loose with the laughs.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. I know the saying. Yet, I was completely judging Sharkblock before looking at it. Ironically, my first thought was that the ‘block’ series has jumped the shark. How could Franceschelli and Peskimo make a block book about sharks that was something more than just a board book asking young readers to look at the sharks? Quicker than you can say ‘hold my cartilage they’ve made a book that continues the excellence that you’d expect from this series. Sharkblock has the thick, interactive pages that fans of the series expect to see, but has added education in the most kid-friendly way possible to their subject matter.
We’ve been fans of the Abrams Block Books since AlphaBlock came out and taught our then three-and-a-half-year-old his letters. Internally, I’m going whaaa, it’s really been eight years? That comes for both the age of our oldest son and how long it’s been since we received AlphaBlock. That book series evolved into dinosaurs, numbers, building, Disney, Marvel, and more. With LoveBlock the series from Christopher Franceschelli with art by Peskimo has changed again, albeit in a very subtle way.
When is a book not a book? This is Still Not A Book! is the sequel to This Is Not A Book!. “This is a very direct book”, said our 11-year-old when he opened it. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, and after looking at the board book I can somewhat understand what he meant. It’s worth noting that this child is very literal and able to see the big picture, as well as, the small picture. That is important because This Is Still Not A Book! is a board book from the realm of absurdity, from which you have to venture through The Far Side to get there. All that’s missing from this book are a couple of cow puns or talking animals to complete the classic one-strip motif.
When is a board book not a board book? I’ve asked this riddle before, but it deserves to be asked again. Busy Bots is a board book that occupies one of the interesting corners of the crawler book library. It’s a STEM-minded board book that turns real tools into insects, animals or pretend animals that will leave ages two through seven grinning for multiple reasons.
Saying that board books are for babies is like saying pizza is mostly circular. While that is true, you could also talk about the myriad number of ingredients, the thickness of crust, and so on. Sandra Boynton is the queen of board books. However, her style of board books is just like that classic pepperoni pizza, it’s one style. My Mighty Marvel First Book is a series of board books from Abrams Appleseed. This series absolutely nails to the floor the aspects, appearance, enjoyment, and characteristics that make up a great board book for crawlers and up.
Let’s take a look at The Incredible Hulk and Black Panther. “Those pictures look old”, our 11-year-old said while looking over the book. Obviously, these board books are meant for crawlers through early elementary school. However, I knew what he was talking about with his ‘old’ adjective. Black Panther is illustrated by John Buscema and The Incredible Hulk is done by Sal Buscema. John and his younger brother are legends in the Marvel Comic world. Their representation of every superhero at Marvel Comics came to define the appearance and personality of their superheroes for a generation. Sal had a 10-year run illustrating The Incredible Hulk, whereas John did at least one issue of every Marvel Comic book and then some. Suffice it to say, any parent that picks up either of these My Mighty Marvel First Books will have some sort of memory when they look at the art.
When I think back to the baby shower gifts we received there were some that rose above others. At both ends of the spectrum were an expensive glass vase and a 24-pack of Hot Wheels. The Hot Wheels cars both boys played with for hours and that vase is in the kitchen where it catches coins, spare batteries or other non-elegant things that it’s not suited for. Somewhere in the middle of these gifts are the board books that our boys enjoyed. In that vein, Pocket Piggies Christmas! is a board book that knows its audience and really delivers the bacon.
ABC for Me: ABC What Can I Be? is the sort of book that kids and adults reading to three to six-year-old small people will cherish for a period of time. This is when kids are learning about jobs, where mom or dad go when they earn money, and what it is exactly that people call them there. It’s also an oversized-ABC book that’s printed on thicker than average cardboard paper. This isn’t board book thickness, but ABC What Can I Be? isn’t aimed at those crawlers. Instead, it’s a bright, happy, intelligent book that’s geared towards emerging readers who know some of the alphabet, but also want to have fun learning more.