We were compensated by Best Buy for this post. All thoughts are our own. I have a cell phone, but I use my camera to take the majority of my photos. That’s because the camera on my cell phone doesn’t do what I would like it to do. It doesn’t shoot fast enough, it shoots poorly in low light and takes too long to boot up. I realize these are all first world problems, but when you’re trying to get that one shot, for either your family photos or a client it’s got to happen now-and it won’t be repeated. The Sony Xperia 1 Smartphone levels up the photo capabilities in your cell phone. Consider this the translator that’s never been present between your mind’s eye and that photograph or shot you’ve always known was there.
We love technology, its advances and music. Having said that, we personally recognize when music should be at arm’s length, for example, we’re not a fan of having music in the shower. For us a hard surface, slippery bubbles and music doesn’t seem like a natural fit. When we first tried the Bose Frames, the first audio sunglasses with built-in Bose speakers we were lukewarm. Then we tried them with music that we normally listen to and are 100% a convert. They check off all of the marks (almost) so perfectly that you wish they came in a prescription option so that you could wear them all the time.
This is a sponsored post from Best Buy, all thoughts are our own. Being the dad to two boys we know a little about drones. They’re the toys we always wanted when we were a kid, but the technology just wasn’t there yet. We used to go to the park where the hobbyists were flying their airplanes. A couple of kids were out there, but mainly it was the dads or those much older kids. Drones have changed that perception to where there are competitions, apps designed just for them and social platforms where you can share ideas or locations. The DJI Global Mavic Mini is a drone that’s priced for the hobbyist, yet has the professional features that have previously only been on high end models.
This is a sponsored post. All thoughts are our own. We have a family friend who just went off to college. Aside from making me feel old at dirt I was amazed at the fact that they were going to college without a car. Color me surprised to find out that many college age students (and older) don’t think twice about not having a car. Part of that reason is due to the popularity of people using scooters as a supplemental mode of transportation. Color me even more surprised to find out that scooters are priced to, pardon the pun, move. Parents, the annoying scooters at busy intersection do not need to be your student’s de facto way home. Students, you can own a scooter that’s 100% owned by you and not some other yee haw who walks the same way home. Case in point is the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter that you can purchase from Best Buy.
The Hover-1 Electric Scooter is a personal mode of transportation that is affordable, yours and utterly unique.
The Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter get’s it going
The Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter checks off every imaginable want, need or concern for people who need a ride around campus or the neighborhood; as well as, those older people who are concerned about safety.
For those taking the
Hover-1 around campus this scooter can make a round trip journey at an 8-mile
school. You don’t have to be Eminem to realize that’s a long way to travel 16
miles without needing to re-charge your wheels.
As I go back in the time
machine I think to my college campus and there were paths galore and hills
aplenty. This scooter could easily get through all of those areas and do so in
a quicker and cooler way than my bike back then. The bike I had then weighed
about 40 bulky pounds. If I had a flat or otherwise couldn’t ride it home I’d
be at the mercy of my friends with a truck.
The Hover-1 folds up within seconds and weighing in at 27 pounds can easily be transported by most people to their dorm, apartment, class or the three steps up to the first floor. This is a light, portable form of short-range transportation that you can own and your friends will be jealous of.
If you’re late for
something the Hover-1 has enough get-up-and-go to move you there poste haste. It
can move at 14 MPH and that’ll get you across campus or down the street quicker
than you can say “What do you mean I have to pay my own phone bill?”
It also brakes with ease
because it has electronic and foot brakes. Parents, this one is for you so that
you don’t worry about your distracted young adult who is looking at cute coeds.
Students, two methods of brakes mean that you are much less likely to take that
unfortunate tumble in the corner when the leaves are wet. This is a win-win
The Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter can be purchased at Best Buy. This is a mode of transportation that’ll give parent’s piece of mind and students the ability to get around campus on their own terms.
Thereviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. Don’t tell my wife, but there are many things that I don’t know. For example, it wasn’t until we got married that I separated the colors from the darks. Sadly, some of her clothing items were the canaries for my coal mine-laundry experiences. My clothes were already used to the milquetoast, middling of the clothing that had been happening in my world for years. I simply needed a better class of washer. For people like me, LG is coming clean with some great options at Best Buy, deals and I realized that I need a Sidekick-and not the superhero kind.
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. In the early 90’s I lived near Celebration, Florida where they were testing the house of the future. The main piece of technology that I remember being in awe of was a television that could record live TV without a large rectangular box next to it. Fast forward 20 plus years and the Best Buy Tech Home makes its first appearance outside of their headquarters.