Beasts  From Bricks is mid to upper-level LEGO animal magnetism

As LEGO pieces go, I’ve seen all of the individual things needed to make up the creatures in Beasts From Brick. I’ve seen them, but the end result is that the sum is more than their parts and that this book is as much ‘art’ as it is LEGO bricks. That makes sense, at their core; a LEGO brick acts no differently where it is. It’s only different when being used by a person that can really build LEGO projects and while the projects from Beasts From Bricks, by Ekow Nimako are beautiful; they’re also approachable for mid-level LEGO builders.

LEGO, beasts from bricks, ekow nimako, LEGO building kid, LEGO builders Continue reading Beasts  From Bricks is mid to upper-level LEGO animal magnetism

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