Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

Pregnant ladies in the house, you’re all those things and a bag of chips.  I’m kidding about the bag of chips because that may be one of the few things you don’t have a craving for.  If you are craving a bag of chips then you can use another tired 90’s cliché like ‘talk to the hand’ or ‘don’t go there!’. Continue reading Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

The dirty little secret of a stay at home dad

My wife and I used to try to do it once a week.  That was the goal.  However, as with any family with an infant or toddler can attest, sometimes the time just gets away from you.  Now we’re lucky if we get around to it twice a month.  When we finally get down to business, it sometimes smells and you need a brush to clean the surface.  We just have to clean our toilet more often. Continue reading The dirty little secret of a stay at home dad

Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

Pregnant ladies, as you enter the later parts to the first half of your last trimester you’ve certainly noticed a couple of things.  Dads, you’ve probably noticed these things too, but sometimes it’s best not to mention them to your spouse, they’re a little on edge now.  But not you honey, you’re as normal as you ever were.  Continue reading Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

Pregnancy week 26 –Mom and Dad, your baby can see!

Moms, your little guy is the size of an eggplant.  it’s also the next to last week of the 2nd trimester!  For those parents that aren’t too good with numbers that means that you’re 66% of the way there!  Ok, that’s still a number….you have less than three months to go before your life changes forever. Continue reading Pregnancy week 26 –Mom and Dad, your baby can see!

Dad’s tips on how to choose a children’s thermometer

When I was a child I remember my mother taking my temperature when I was sick.  That thermometer was a skinny glass tube with mercury in it, but it seemed to work.  When Baby Mojo was born we were given a gift bag of various medical things including a digital thermometer.  That thing worked like a charm until my wife and I went to see the doctor. Continue reading Dad’s tips on how to choose a children’s thermometer

July iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Your iPad or tablet is an amazing device that can conduct business, keep you in the knowledge loop and provide hours of entertainment to toddlers and children.  Here’s a look at four apps that keep our Mojo occupied when dad or mom need a break.  Continue reading July iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The life and times of a 21 month old toddler

As Toddler Mojo gets older and More Mojo is due to be born in a couple of months we’re trying to remember how to do everything again. Oh, Mommy Mojo and I know that we can do it; we’ve just forgotten what infants do and when they do it. I remember lots of sleeping, eating and pooping, but enough about me. Continue reading The life and times of a 21 month old toddler

Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

Moms, the past week has seen some major changes going on in that pregnant body of yours.  Compare a photo of yourself at the 24th week and now.  See how much rounder your belly is?  This time of the pregnancy is really special to those around you, so be sure to take plenty of photos.  Some pregnant Moms don’t like having their photos taken, (not looking at Mommy Mojo…..) but those photos make a great time capsule for your family down the road. Continue reading Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

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