A visit to Alliance Theatre to see Theatre for the Very Young

The attention span of a toddler is tougher to navigate than the mood cycles of woman who’s eight months pregnant.  If you plan things poorly then you’ll be up against nap time.  Don’t bring enough snacks or supplies and your activity will be cut short by 23 months of crabby. Continue reading A visit to Alliance Theatre to see Theatre for the Very Young

September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The weather is fabulous, but if it were up to our toddler he’d be on the iPad for hours a day. We limit his time to about 20 minutes a day on the iPad.  Usually it’s when we’re cooking, cleaning or just need a short break.  For now, open up the windows, enjoy that cool breeze and have your toddler check out these great (Free!) apps for your iPad.  Continue reading September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

In a couple of weeks our second child, More Mojo will be here.  As we prepare the infant clothes and get the nursery ready we’re relieved that the house is already babyproofed.  In hindsight it was easy to babyproof; we just didn’t do some of it in a timely manner.  Parents can avoid our mistakes by taking advantage of these helpful hints. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Dads, by now your bride is tired of being pregnant.  She can’t sleep at night because of a little person is kicking and her bladder is being squeezed like Mr. Whipple with a roll of Charmin.  It won’t be much longer for either of you, be thankful for the sleep you have now.  Here are some of the highlights from week 35 of pregnancy. Continue reading Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Talking to a 5 year old is like speaking to a pregnant woman

Ladies, it’s week 34 of your pregnancy!  In just a couple weeks you’ll greet that special little guy who will become the light of your life.  Unfortunately the next five weeks will be more of the same, you’re tired, can’t sleep, out of breath and not yourself. Continue reading Talking to a 5 year old is like speaking to a pregnant woman

The life and times of a 23 month old

Our 22 month old son must have heard us talking about him.  Mom and Dad were figuring out how to socialize Toddler Mojo and he went and figured it out all by himself.   Now he approaches some kids his size, they speak their toddler slang, do the Jedi mind trick and follow each other around.      Continue reading The life and times of a 23 month old

Pregnancy week 33-Moms, you’re hungry, yet repulsed by food

Moms, it’s just over one month before you’re greeted by your son or daughter.  Put another way it’s just over 14 years away before you have to say “You’re not leaving the house like that are you”?  Based on some fashion trends it may even be eight years before you have to say that. Continue reading Pregnancy week 33-Moms, you’re hungry, yet repulsed by food

A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

The other day I was hanging out with some other parents talking about Toddler Mojo going to pre-K.    I mentioned something casually and a friend said, “How many days is your child going to Pre K”?  Well five, of course, kids go to school five days a week everybody knows that.  It was then that I realized I needed to get up to speed ASAP on pre- K. Continue reading A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

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