We’re in the process of motivating Toddler Mojo to use the potty. He’s just over two and a half, the potty has been purchased and now we’re waiting for it all to ‘click’. Apparently it just ‘clicks’, that’s what every parent we’ve asked has said happens. Continue reading What do you tell your child to call their private parts?
Tag: Babies
All Mojo babies try new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers
That sounds like a rule or decree from the home office. Henceforth, all babies, within the Mojo house shall wear that which locks wetness, moisture or potentially smelly things in thine diaper. In reality it’s not a decree, it’s just the way we roll. Continue reading All Mojo babies try new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers
A dog, toddler and dirty diapers meet in a bar
I’m on the sofa at 6:20 p.m. My body has a pounding ache; head is pulsing and there is an immediate need for something relaxing. SyFy is On Demand, so I find Fact or Faked and watch the gentle sexually tension between Jael, Lanisha and the rest of the cast as they debunk viral videos. The day didn’t start with signs of a complete meltdown by most of the living creatures in the house. Continue reading A dog, toddler and dirty diapers meet in a bar
The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo is May 12 at The Fabulous Fox
Being a parent is interesting because; if you’re honest, there is so much that you know you don’t know. When my wife was pregnant with our second child I had forgotten many of the intricacies of what newborns and babies do and need. Coincidentally, l attended The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo while she was pregnant. Continue reading The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo is May 12 at The Fabulous Fox
The Life and Times of a 6 month Old
6 months since your child was born and things are finally starting to settle down. We just took More Mojo to the doctor for his 6 month check up and here are some medical observations, as well as his life at home. Continue reading The Life and Times of a 6 month Old
Sock Ons get a grip on your baby’s socks
There are some inventions that are so obvious that you kick yourself for not coming up with it. A device to keep baby’s socks on is something that falls in that category. To that end, Sock Ons are a simple invention that my cashier at Publix commented on by saying, “I wish I would’ve thought of that”. Continue reading Sock Ons get a grip on your baby’s socks
Alicia Silverstone feeds her son like a bird, parents call fowl
My wife was checking up on Facebook and she casually asked me if I’d seen the video of Alicia Silverstone feeding her son like a bird. “Like a bird”, I asked, “You mean regurgitating it?” She then went on to ask me if I knew what her son’s name was. I guessed Robin, but that’s incorrect. Continue reading Alicia Silverstone feeds her son like a bird, parents call fowl
Cavemen in Babyland is a fine primer for dads and moms-to-be
Kindred Howard is a friend of mine. When he sent me his book, Cavemen in Babyland, he told me that guys don’t normally read parenting books and that it was kind of aimed at women. Granted, he was probably just taking that information from marketing companies or perhaps his publisher. Continue reading Cavemen in Babyland is a fine primer for dads and moms-to-be