As a dad and comic book geek I often fantasize about super powers and which one, presuming I could have only one, I would choose. It has to be a super power and not an object that gives you certain abilities. So doing a Green Lantern or having multiple abilities like Superman or Spider Man isn’t an option. Though, it would be cool to be able to control the fish like Aquaman, but then I’d totally have to lay off the seafood. Continue reading Daddy Mojo says: Pregnant women smell good
Tag: Babies
Papa’s got a brand new (diaper) bag
We love our pets in the Mojo house. I had two cats and two dogs, then one wife and now one child. At any point in time the animals have always outnumbered the people. All of the animals have adapted well to Toddler Mojo stumbling around the room like a pint sized Frankenstein. The cats have learned to hide in high places and the dogs have peacefully learned to sit near him when he has food. Continue reading Papa’s got a brand new (diaper) bag
Daddy Mojo reviews: LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Alphabet Set
We’re a little hesitant to embrace some educational toys. Call us a little gun shy, but it seems like some manufacturers will slap the alphabet on a toy, call it educational and then watch parent purchase it. A friend of ours gave us the heads up on LeapFrog’s Fridge Phonics. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Alphabet Set
Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved
Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved sounds like a challenge akin to a camel fitting through the eye of a needle. Husbands who (mistakenly) attended one of their wedding showers may be under the impression that baby showers are as fraught with dangerously laced estrogen. Continue reading Baby shower gift ideas to get the Dad involved
The Chicken Thief is a children’s book, but we love it
We were in the library the other day when I stumbled across The Chicken Thief by Beatrice Rodriguez. It’s a funny shaped book that’s more rectangular than most, has a cute bunny on the back cover and Toddler Mojo was ready to go. As a toddler tantrum was about to happen I checked out and didn’t pay the book any attention until I got home. Continue reading The Chicken Thief is a children’s book, but we love it
A dad and the communication stages of the Toddler
The 17 month old toddler is a magical, highly excitable creature that still has trouble communicating to mom and dad. While the toddler’s point gets made, it lacks a certain finesse. In observing our toddler we’ve determined that a 17 month old has three forms of verbal communication: Chinese Baby, Bobcat Goldwaite and The Singing Frog, Continue reading A dad and the communication stages of the Toddler
Massive children’s consignment sale in Roswell this weekend
We are big fans of buying used. It’s good for the environment and helps us remain frugal with our limited supply of cash.
We’re also pumped about our favorite consignment sale of the year happening this weekend. It’s the bi-annual Second Childhood Consignment at 1425 Market Boulevard, Roswell, GA, 30076 in the old Comp USA location. The sale is March 4, 10-6PM, March 5, 9-3 and March 6, Continue reading Massive children’s consignment sale in Roswell this weekend
Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs
I love books. Because of that it’s not too surprising that Baby Mojo loves books. At bedtime either mom or I will read a book to him, then leave his bed light on while he sits in his crib and reads himself to sleep. When we go into to change his diaper later in the night it looks like the Book Town mafia shot down our son with an outline of cardboard children’s books. Continue reading Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs