You do have an earpiece for that mobile phone, don’t you?

I’m busy.  Oh, I could fill a blog full of the mindless gunk that fills my day up, wait, I already do that. 

One day recently I dropped my phone earpiece into the can of soda that I had beside my computer.  It was a bad earpiece anyway.  The cushion around the earpiece had fallen off a couple of months ago and the hook that goes around my ear broke off a couple of months before that.  I’m very cheap and busy.

The earpiece, although it hurt my ear and often fell out, worked until it found its untimely cola grave.  The obituary would read:  Here lay a cheap earpiece that was ultimately done in by a cup of Dr. Thunder. Continue reading You do have an earpiece for that mobile phone, don’t you?

Week 24-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an ear of corn!

At this stage of the game the pregnancy has really started to hit home for all you Moms and Dads.  You’re planning ideas for the nursery, kicking around names for the little one and keeping your eyes on the prize.   Once the prize arrives they’ll be active, happy and won’t listen to a thing you say, which is ironic given that they’re the size of an ear of corn this week. Continue reading Week 24-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an ear of corn!

Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Dads and Moms, you have to eat.  And as your title would dictate, you also have a child around you that needs to eat also.  How much you’re able to enjoy your time eating depends greatly on how old your child is.  At certain ages they segue from willing participant to screaming audience member, food throwing ninja to gradually accepting that eating is something that they have to do too. Continue reading Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Unfortunately, peanut butter and jelly only goes so far.  Eventually the toddler tires of PBnJ and will yearn for something new.  However, the food can’t be too new or scary, because then the toddler will just sit in the chair and yell “COOKIE”! Continue reading Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Week 22-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

Moms, your little person inside you is the size of a papaya!  Dads, to put his in perspective, the next time you’re in the fruit and vegetable isle of your grocery store look for a papaya.  A papaya is one of those strange foods that is both fruit and vegetable.   It looks like a really large lemon with just a hint of dark green in some spots.

I’m in the store at least three times a week and aren’t sure if I’ve ever seen one.  There is a section in the fruit isle with all sorts of strange things, it could be in there, but some of them scare me.  It’s the island of lost toys for fruits:  there’s the brown, sickle shaped thick thing with thorns and somewhere in there is probably the papaya.  Unless your name is Gilligan or Beyr Grills you probably have no idea what a papaya is or how to eat one. Continue reading Week 22-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

Week 21-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a banana!

Mommy Mojo feels our little dude kick on a daily basis.  Dad doesn’t feel the kick yet.  Moms, you’ll enjoy this 1 on 1 physical dialogue with your baby for a couple more weeks till dad can really feel it.  Some moms won’t feel the kicking yet, don’t panic if you haven’t.  Just relax and enjoy the pregnancy. Continue reading Week 21-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a banana!

Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

It seems like only yesterday I was a freewheeling childless guy who didn’t have a clue about what to expect in regards to raising children.  The learning curve from expectant father to Dad is huge and there are loads of questions that you don’t know you need to ask.

The old saying, you don’t know what you don’t know applies very well to expectant fathers.  You’re looking forward to it, but there is so much to learn and the only way to gain that knowledge is through experience.  It’s the yin and yang of parenting. Continue reading Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The iPad isn’t the patron saint of parenting and should not be used instead of good parenting; but it can certainly help entertain and educate children.  Toddler Mojo is 20 months old now and adores his iPad time.   He learns from it and has fun at the same time.  Granted some of the iPad apps have more fun involved than learning; but there have to be some enhancements of his fine motor skills going on there too.  Here’s a quick rundown of what Toddler Mojo is digging on the iPad this month. Continue reading June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

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