Dad goes to the Apple store for the first time

Mom’s iPod battery stopped charging the other week.  Being the stay at home dad and keeper of Baby Mojo I offered for us to go by the Apple store to get a new battery.

A bit of background information:  Daddy Mojo doesn’t have an mp3 player.  I’ve got hundreds of cds and have burned some of them on the computer, but haven’t fully leapt over digitally yet.  Call me a relic or fan of album cover art, but all the new music I purchase is still on disc.  Somewhere Captain Planet is shaming me into making the leap fully to digital music. Continue reading Dad goes to the Apple store for the first time

Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Marriage can be called the grand compromise. When men enter this partnership and become a husband or maybe even a father, they have certain things that they’ll need to hunker down and take. As a new husband I learned quickly that the cinematic tastes of the fairer sex were one of those things. When I became a father, my capacity to appreciate some of her favorite movies increased, as long as I was sitting down and didn’t have a writhing, screaming toddler near me. Continue reading Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Dad runs an errand to the home improvement store

Since becoming a father one of the biggest changes have been the running of errands.  All of them are consolidated and planned out like a-connect-the-dots course designed to get Baby Mojo home before feeding or nap. 

The errand that has taken the biggest hit is the trip to the home improvement store.  Now when we visit I don’t even get to use that large push cart.  Baby Mojo sits in the normal shopping cart and waves to everybody in the store, a ten month old he just loves to wave.  Initially it felt odd pushing a shopping cart, what with its’ confined ‘cart’; instead of the flat one that can hold anything in the store and was in itself a work out to move. 

Prior to having a child I’d visit once a week, even if I didn’t need anything.  Anything and need is all relative, I mean you can always use cleaning solvents and dirt.  Continue reading Dad runs an errand to the home improvement store

Sleeping with Pat Benatar: Bald men have it easy

Recently my wife came home after getting a hair cut (female speak:  went to the stylist) and was more than a little bit bummed.  To me, her haircut looked fine, a bit shorter than it usually was, but it still looked great.  Husbands:  the preceding response is always your go to, even if it’s not true and in my case it was definitely true

I started shaving my head thirteen years ago but realistically I should’ve started four years before that.   During high school I told everybody that I “just had a high hairline, like Arnold Schwarzenegger”.  Continue reading Sleeping with Pat Benatar: Bald men have it easy

Fashionistas in the suburbs

One of the unintended advantages of being a stay at home dad is not having to wear nice clothes in the daytime.   The only folks that I’ll see are other moms, dads and retail workers.  Sure you have to run errands stop by the library for story time and go on the occasional side trip, but that’s it.   As long as I don’t’ wear clothing that’s ripped or has paint stains I’m all good. 

Full disclosure:  I’m no fashion plate.  Most of my clothing has a retro feel, mainly because it consists of large collared shirts from the 70s, Continue reading Fashionistas in the suburbs

Baby Mojo’s first haircut

Baby Mojo was born with a head full of hair.  Literally from the very first instant we saw him he had a dark brown patch of hair on his head that only got longer and lighter as he got older.   At the very tender age of six months old his mother gave him his first haircut.

Around nine months old he was starting to look like a very young member of The Beatles or a background character in Fraggle Rock.  I entertained the idea of Continue reading Baby Mojo’s first haircut

Danger is relative to the size of the person

I’m fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad so during the week I get to watch Baby Mojo crawl over obstacles, try to eat the cats’ tail and avoid the sharp angles in the house.    As an almost ten month old toddler he’s navigating the house and keeping an eye out for the closets where we’ll eventually hide his Christmas presents.  Continue reading Danger is relative to the size of the person

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