The Yank on the billboard-How not to break into radio

One Date Night recently at the Mojo house we decided to rent Pirate Radio.  That movie had been in our list to see because I was familiar with the story and have a relationship to its history.  Before I was a stay at home dad I traveled around a bit.  During one of those traveling stints I was working at The Peacock in Nottingham, England

One night when I was working these business men came over from the BBC, which was located across the street.  After a bit of chatting to them I said that I did some radio and was traveling.  They mentioned that a friend of theirs was in Italy running a radio station and might need some help. Continue reading The Yank on the billboard-How not to break into radio

Baby basics: Changing the diaper

Before being a dad I didn’t know too much about changing a diaper. In the parenting class at the hospital they ran through it a couple times, but it’s all a blur now. As with things to come regarding parenting, I look at Baby Mojo now and I wonder how that 8 pound little dude became this 26 pound of crawling, eating, curious toddler we have now. Continue reading Baby basics: Changing the diaper

Heroes, cowards and Christmas lights

Prior to when we had a family I was a city hipster.  I was shocked at the sight of the Halloween decorations in September and aghast at the Christmas stuff that seemed to go out at the same time.   This is our first holiday season where Baby Mojo is old enough to enjoy anything around him.    Last year he was just an infant who woke up occasionally to have a bottle and wonder what all the fuss was about. Continue reading Heroes, cowards and Christmas lights

Travelling with a toddler

Our first trip as a family was to the beach, with an infant.  Nine months later we made the same trip with a toddler.  The second trip was infinitely more enjoyable while we were there, but, was a crying mess going and coming. 

The trip down there with a toddler was much worse than coming back and the next trip should be even easier, now that we’ve learned a couple things.  Continue reading Travelling with a toddler

Tips for toddlers and new parents

Prior to being a dad I had heard all the clichés, they grow up quickly and time flies by.   Never being one to adhere to what people say, I knew that my time as a dad would be different.  However, 11 months in, all of those overused clichés are true, so very true. 

We did prep ourselves, just in case they turned out to be correct and that preparation wasn’t enough.  If you’re a new parent, you’ve purchased the books and talked to friends here are four tips to reinforce what you’ve been told. Continue reading Tips for toddlers and new parents

Eating with a toddler-Dining with Dad

I know we’re feeding Baby Mojo because he’s gaining weight, yet it always seems like most of the food gets on his lap or bib, and then down on the floor where the dogs camp out for table scraps.   During lunch and dinner, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Victoria Stillwell enter and scold me for allowing such slovenly dog behavior to occur. 

We’re thankful that Baby Mojo has stopped the sonic assault when he eats.  Now he’s just entered a slightly picky stage of eating.  As an almost 11 month old toddler he loves anything that he can pick up to eat.  Unfortunately, he’s now trying to eat anything that he can pick up. Continue reading Eating with a toddler-Dining with Dad

4 mandatory toys for toddlers

As a daddy I occasionally roam the toy isle, looking at what’s trendy, age appropriate and if anything peaks Baby Mojo’s interest.  He just turned 10 months old, so many things are peaking his interest, but only a couple toys have really risen to the top.  If you have a baby that’s about to hit the toddler stage look for any of these items at a yard sale and you’ll have a very happy camper on your hands. Continue reading 4 mandatory toys for toddlers

The immutable law of attraction: Dream, Cats, Mall

Baby Mojo is about to take his first step.  Because of that he’s been crawling fast, grabbing lots and seriously exhausting this stay at home dad.  When I’m beat down I have good dreams and lately, they’ve been great.  They’ve been so good that I’ve started writing down a couple words when I wake up so I can remember them later. 

In my dream I was in Canal City, a futuristic shopping mall in Fukuoka, Japan.    Continue reading The immutable law of attraction: Dream, Cats, Mall

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