CATS-off Broadway and in your house

I’m a stay at home dad now. My wife said that she knew that I loved our son because when he was born I rubbed noses with him like I do with our cats.  For the first couple years of our marriage she would occasionally (sarcastically?) accuse me of liking the cats more than her.  Now we’re deeper into our marriage and I know that she was being sarcastic. 

Cats are great pets, but they sometimes get a bum rap.  Continue reading CATS-off Broadway and in your house

It’s a dog’s life

As a child everything I knew about dogs I learned from Snoopy.   Since then, I’ve worked at one of the largest animal shelters in Atlanta doing their communications, PR, offsite events and fundraising.  It was during that time, in addition to my own 10 years of owning dogs; that taught me lots about what works and what doesn’t for folks who are thinking about adopting a dog. Continue reading It’s a dog’s life

Where do pets come from?

I’m not talking about the birds and the bees, I mean from where will you adopt your cat or dog?  Odds are that your cat or dog will come from one of four sources, an animal shelter, animal control, rescue organization or breeder.  Here is an overview of the pros and cons of each source.

Animal control

Animal Control is the entity that your tax dollars help support.  They’ll usually be called by the county of residence animal control, XXX County Animal Control for example.   If it’s really called XXX, then Vin Diesel has really gone down hill or maybe you need to speak with your local politicians about their side jobs.  Continue reading Where do pets come from?

A primer on pets

So you’re thinking about adopting a pet?  Outstanding!!   Pets can be a wonderful addition to home situation.  Choose wisely, because the wrong pet or breed can turn pet ownership into a nightmare very quickly.

Before being a stay at home dad, PR guy and daddy blogger I did communications and fundraising for a large animal shelter in Atlanta.    I worked at PAWS Atlanta for five years and during that time I encountered the best and worst aspects of owning a pet.  My knowledge on exotic pets, snakes, spiders and the like is very limited, so for the purpose of this post I’ll just comment on cats, dogs and the occasional rabbit. Continue reading A primer on pets

Fringe Pets

When I was a child the only pets I had were a pair of hamsters, two rabbits and a crow.

I don’t have many memories of the hamsters.  Actually I do have one memory of the hamsters.  I went down into the basement and one of them had eaten the other one.  Immediately I called out to my older sister, “Jenny, come quickly (insert hamster name here) is dead and (insert other hamster name here) has just killed him!!”  It was a hamster homicide in the Burley Basement, film at 11. Continue reading Fringe Pets

My sons’ seahorse loves John McClane

Baby Mojo sized up in clothing recently and I was culling all of small stuff into a pile that is bound for the attic.  While I was doing this I found a toy still in its packaging from when we received it at as a gift.  It’s a seahorse looking creature that has a pulsing light and plays nursery rhymes or classical music when you push its belly.

I thought nothing of it until later that afternoon when we were upstairs and he was in the middle of a mini meltdown during a diaper change.  The seahorse was the only thing within reach so I ripped off the packaging, placed it on his chest and pushed its’ belly to make the music start.

“Oh, cool, it’s playing the music from Die Hard “ I immediately thought.  Continue reading My sons’ seahorse loves John McClane

Sonic Youth of my loins

Mom and I are excited because Baby Mojo has found his voice.

Unfortunately that is not a singing metaphor; rather our eight month old has discovered that he can talk.  I’m all for talking;  don’t get me wrong, but an eight month old talks at one volume:  a very loud and punishing auditory dagger that would have Spinal Tap dialing it down from 11.

The screaming from our son usually happens when he’s being fed solid foods.  The red in his face, packaged full of baby rage is all treble, no bass; which seems to make the shrieks hurt that much more. 

Being a new stay at home dad I know that more challenging situations will arise.  To deal me with the sonic assault coming from our son’s pie hole I’m faced with a couple options. Continue reading Sonic Youth of my loins

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