DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new Thermostat

Dads, moms and babies need to stay cool, keep warm or keep those HVAC bills under control.  A nice programmable digital controller for your HVAC system can regulate temperatures day to day, as well as, specific times.   Successfully programming your system can save you cash, which dads can then use for other important things like beer, pizza, video games or comic books.

When our HVAC system was inspected recently the technician told me that the thermostat was not working correctly.  As this was the second time I had been told this, I knew that he was telling the truth.  By nature, I don’t trust people selling me stuff, especially when its guy stuff that I feel like I should know.  Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new Thermostat

The pros and con of using vinegar to clean

Prior to being a stay at home dad I had a wide variety of cleaning chemicals in my house.  I even had two pints of acid that was kept in a thick black bottle, triple layered zip sealed bag.  The acid didn’t make the move with us to our new home and is back at the old house, probably being surrounded by the EPA right now.

I was the single mans Breaking Bad, except I didn’t do anything with the chemicals, especially clean.  Continue reading The pros and con of using vinegar to clean

The DMZ on the Christmas tree

My wife has always put up her Christmas tree the day after Christmas.  If we were doing a family trip over Thanksgiving then I suspect that we’d have to stop somewhere, purchase a tree and take it back home with us.  “Sweetie, they sell Christmas trees back home”, I’d say.  She’d then remind me about how pretty the house looks once decorated and that a Christmas tree from hundreds of miles away would only add to the beauty of the house.

So we decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving.    Entering into a relationship with this decorator was quite the change for me.  Many years ago, it’s possible that I’d have a tree, but it wasn’t guaranteed.  I always had green things growing in my place, but it was not garland and may have required a plastic suit and gallons of white vinegar. Continue reading The DMZ on the Christmas tree

A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

As a stay at home dad I encounter lots of funny situations with my child.  Toilet jokes are the low hanging fruit in the blog world.  I made a pact with myself to avoid stories about the toilet, a moratorium if you will, for as long as possible.  I’m sure that when Baby Mojo gets to the potty training phase of life we’ll have more stories, some of which may actually be funny. 

 Speaking in a very technical sense, it’s not a story of the toilet, more accurately it’s a case of “did somebody step on a duck”?  Continue reading A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

My marriage is not like an 8 track: New families and the stay at home dad

This past week a study came out on marriage from The Pew Research center.  You may have heard the highlights, mainly the fact that MARRIAGE IS ON THE DECLINE.  Well make me watch television infomercials, I thought my marriage was great and if the masses are getting out of this mom and dad racket then I’m not going to let the violin player beat me off this sinking ship. Continue reading My marriage is not like an 8 track: New families and the stay at home dad

A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

Both mom and I have been reading to Baby Mojo since he could open his eyes.  It started out with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Ten Little Ladybugs and an assortment of other hardback books.  We have many more non hardback books, but quickly discovered that he would either eat them or destroy the pages. Continue reading A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

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