Jobs my son will hopefully never have: Strip club DJ

In theory a job as a DJ is fun and glamorous.  Continuing that theory, a job as a DJ in a strip club must then be even more exotic.  All you’re doing is playing music for ladies to undress to, what could be hard about that?  However, a job like that job is nothing to go into half cocked, it requires attention to detail and concentration.

Let’s imagine a more innocent time in 1993; the biggest news in nudity was that a show on ABC called NYPD Blue was casting extras who didn’t mind getting naked.  Thankfully, for insecure middle aged men everywhere, Lt. Sipowitz was available and more than willing to go as full monty as 10:00 PM allows. Continue reading Jobs my son will hopefully never have: Strip club DJ

What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

I love the opening sequence in Raiders of the Lost Ark.  When Indy finally gets to the large room where the golden idol is he pulls out a bag of sand, shifts some of it out and then switches it out for the treasure.  It’s a clever trick and an accurate premise.  The treasure is on a pressure sensitive platform that triggers a huge boulder if something heavier or lighter is on it.

Prior to being a stay at home dad I used to do PR for an animal shelter.  As part of my job I would take cats or dogs to local television stations and tell the audience why they needed to adopt this pet.   Dirty little secret:  when I took cats, I always took kittens and when I took dogs I always had bacon in my pocket.

What could that sequence from Raiders and the experience with pets on live television possibly have taught me about parenting? Continue reading What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

I like to save money.  You probably do too.  Pets can really round out a family.  The lessons that cats and dogs can teach our children add up to help shape them into young adults who don’t run and hide at the sight of a pet.    I met an adult one time who was genuinely scared of cats, shaking, crying, the whole nine yards, THAT woman needed a pet growing up. Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

Plastic pegs, decorating wives and drunk reindeer

The light timer is a magical invention.  Even outside of the Christmas season we have a couple timers that turn some of the lights on and off.   You can tell when my wife is home because every, literally, every light is on in the house.  She is single handedly trying to boost Georgia Powers annual profits.

So decorating for her during Christmas is a high point, both in enjoyment and watts used.    Continue reading Plastic pegs, decorating wives and drunk reindeer

Tools that every dad needs

I love tools. It is my belief that every guy, especially every dad loves tools. We purchase tools that we really don’t need, I’m guilty of that. If you can use it once, in a justifiable manner, then it’s OK to buy. Really, it’s in the man bible, check out the audio version that Mike Rowe did, he gave us permission. Continue reading Tools that every dad needs

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

Certain sounds make the heart of men go down to their stomach.  As a father, the ‘grind’ that your disposal makes when a foreign object is in there can present a fork in the road.

We heard that sound recently in the Mojo house.  It was a tiny baby spoon that fell and was shredded into a thousand metallic pieces, we thought.  After the first metal on metal sound, I stopped the disposal, realized that it was too far gone and made the disposal work for it’s money.  Either grind it or die disposal, cause it’s all or nothing in this house. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

Songs in the hourglass: The Girl from Ipanema

As a father I wonder what kind of music Baby Mojo will like.   I hate to sound like an old man who says ‘back in my day…’; but if my son likes any music that requires the use of an autotuner, has to bleep out  words or the artist has more tattoos than hands then he’ll find that MP3 player meeting the business end of a hammer.  Continue reading Songs in the hourglass: The Girl from Ipanema

A free tip on how families can save money

Regardless of the time of year, you need to save money.  The single guy down the street, the family up the road and the retired couple that live next door all want to pay less for the stuff they buy.  The internet has made comparing prices effortless, but it’s important not to forget the old school ways that companies advertise. Continue reading A free tip on how families can save money

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