Daddy Mojo’s favorite free iPad apps for toddlers

Baby Mojo is just 16 months but he loves to interact with the iPad.  We’ve found a couple great apps that help teach him basic words and phonics.  Verbally, we’ll teach him the sounds of the alphabet, but when he sees the letters we’re teaching him the phonetic pronunciation.  All of these apps are free, but some of them may have additional aspects that you pay money for.

Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s favorite free iPad apps for toddlers

An iPad for every student, in the 45th ranking state

Sometimes we stumble across a story so ridiculous that we hope its content and motivation was typed by a room full of monkeys.  Alas, such a story popped up on The AJC about Georgia Senate President Tommie Williams who is proposing that middle school students in Georgia receive an iPad, in lieu of text books. Continue reading An iPad for every student, in the 45th ranking state

Do bad dads deserve a second or third chance?

Perhaps it’s unfair to call Charlie Sheen a bad dad.  I do not know the man and his parenting style could be very healthy and sound.    Though he is the father to four children, (6, 5 and a pair of 2 year old twins) to two mothers, he’s certainly not acting like a ‘dad’. Continue reading Do bad dads deserve a second or third chance?

A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

As the parent to a toddler who just figured out that they can turn on the television I say who’s up for a good discussion on whether Skins is really child porn?  No? Ok, let’s engage in a debate over how the UK version of the show is much racier and the U.S. version is nothing, so us tight underwear Americans should chill out. Continue reading A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

Daddy Mojo reviews: Husky 20 Piece T-Handle Driver Set

Some products need to be reinvented or improved upon.  A prime example of that are those curvy new light bulbs that are supposed to last 8 times longer.    Yeah, we got some for the house, they light up just fine and I’ve reaffirmed my street cred with Captain Planet.   We’ve seen these new screwdrivers in our local home improvement stores, but really, how can you improve on a screwdriver? Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: Husky 20 Piece T-Handle Driver Set

Music Monday-Disco Tex and the Sex O lettes

We do love music.  Prior to having all of our music on MP3 looking over ones CD collection was the litmus test of how cool that person was.  Our musical tastes have wandered over the years and now that we’ve established ourselves it’s a good time to reflect on songs that give us Mojo. Continue reading Music Monday-Disco Tex and the Sex O lettes

Should you let your children play with your Star Wars stuff?

It’s a fine line between collector, pack rat and starring in Hoarders.  Now that I’m a dad the line is still fine and I’m trying to figure out where some of my stuff falls.  Today I’ll focus on all of the Star Wars stuff. Continue reading Should you let your children play with your Star Wars stuff?

Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

I was reminded of a tidbit of advice that a married friend of mine gave me many years ago.  I was over at their house and his wife was going up the street to run a couple quick errands.  On her way out of the room he said “Hey, I Love you”. Continue reading Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

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