Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Dads and Moms, you have to eat.  And as your title would dictate, you also have a child around you that needs to eat also.  How much you’re able to enjoy your time eating depends greatly on how old your child is.  At certain ages they segue from willing participant to screaming audience member, food throwing ninja to gradually accepting that eating is something that they have to do too. Continue reading Dinner with Dad and toddlers; memories and giveaway!

Week 23-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

We know, it seems like this was the title to last week’s pregnancy update.  Oh, the difference a week can make because last week was number 22 and this is the 23rd week of your pregnancy.  Your baby however, is still the size of a papaya.  There have been some mighty changes going on in your body, but you’re past the halfway point. Continue reading Week 23-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Unfortunately, peanut butter and jelly only goes so far.  Eventually the toddler tires of PBnJ and will yearn for something new.  However, the food can’t be too new or scary, because then the toddler will just sit in the chair and yell “COOKIE”! Continue reading Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

DIY a SAHD can do-refinish a tub, tile or sink

A bathtub that is chipping paint is not a good thing.  Structurally the tub is sound, but its outward appearance is screaming for a makeover.  If only chipped paint tasted like popcorn and weren’t somewhat of a hazard then there would be no problem.  However, in reality, chipped paint exposes the surface which can then honestly degrade the quality of the tub. Continue reading DIY a SAHD can do-refinish a tub, tile or sink

Cars 2 giveaway: Cars 2 shirt, puzzle and more!

Cars 2 comes to theaters on June 24th and it’s the most entertaining family film that we’ve seen all year.  To help get you motivated to see it we’re giving away a cadre of Cars 2 goodies.


The Loot
You’ll win a Cars 2 t-shirt in a youth size of S, M, L or XL, a Cars 2 set of three bumper stickers, a Cars 2 set of temporary tattoos and a Cars 2 puzzle. Continue reading Cars 2 giveaway: Cars 2 shirt, puzzle and more!

Daddy Mojo at the movies: Cars 2

PIXAR has a high bar.  No other movie company has such a consistently high bar to jump over for any of their releases.  Cars was a good movie, but not a great movie, especially when looked at through the prism of what people expect from PIXAR.  With this background established I saw Cars 2 with a key member of their demographic, a 4 year old boy and his father. Continue reading Daddy Mojo at the movies: Cars 2

Week 22-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

Moms, your little person inside you is the size of a papaya!  Dads, to put his in perspective, the next time you’re in the fruit and vegetable isle of your grocery store look for a papaya.  A papaya is one of those strange foods that is both fruit and vegetable.   It looks like a really large lemon with just a hint of dark green in some spots.

I’m in the store at least three times a week and aren’t sure if I’ve ever seen one.  There is a section in the fruit isle with all sorts of strange things, it could be in there, but some of them scare me.  It’s the island of lost toys for fruits:  there’s the brown, sickle shaped thick thing with thorns and somewhere in there is probably the papaya.  Unless your name is Gilligan or Beyr Grills you probably have no idea what a papaya is or how to eat one. Continue reading Week 22-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

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