Pregnancy week 36-be cool dads, only a couple weeks left

Whenever I’m about to go through something long or painful I imagine myself after that event happens and what I’ll be doing.  That allows me to imagine myself after a dentist appointment, drive to the beach or conversation with my wife. Continue reading Pregnancy week 36-be cool dads, only a couple weeks left

A visit to Alliance Theatre to see Theatre for the Very Young

The attention span of a toddler is tougher to navigate than the mood cycles of woman who’s eight months pregnant.  If you plan things poorly then you’ll be up against nap time.  Don’t bring enough snacks or supplies and your activity will be cut short by 23 months of crabby. Continue reading A visit to Alliance Theatre to see Theatre for the Very Young

Even Thomas the Tank Engine and Star Wars need to change

Toddler Mojo started to enjoy television.  To him television is Thomas the Tank Engine.  He just entered pre-school, so I’m glad that he can point to Thomas the Tank Engine and be in the same click as the other boys. Continue reading Even Thomas the Tank Engine and Star Wars need to change

Daddy Mojo watches TV: Up All Night

Up All Night is a new sitcom on NBC.  It’s described as an irreverent look at modern parenthood, with the mom going back to work and dad staying at home to care for their young girl.   Any show with a stay-at-home dad character can’t be all bad, so a real stay-at-home dad (with Mojo!) gave the pilot episode a try. Continue reading Daddy Mojo watches TV: Up All Night

September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The weather is fabulous, but if it were up to our toddler he’d be on the iPad for hours a day. We limit his time to about 20 minutes a day on the iPad.  Usually it’s when we’re cooking, cleaning or just need a short break.  For now, open up the windows, enjoy that cool breeze and have your toddler check out these great (Free!) apps for your iPad.  Continue reading September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

In a couple of weeks our second child, More Mojo will be here.  As we prepare the infant clothes and get the nursery ready we’re relieved that the house is already babyproofed.  In hindsight it was easy to babyproof; we just didn’t do some of it in a timely manner.  Parents can avoid our mistakes by taking advantage of these helpful hints. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Dads, by now your bride is tired of being pregnant.  She can’t sleep at night because of a little person is kicking and her bladder is being squeezed like Mr. Whipple with a roll of Charmin.  It won’t be much longer for either of you, be thankful for the sleep you have now.  Here are some of the highlights from week 35 of pregnancy. Continue reading Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

I love my smartphone.  It’s my mobile office, photograph storage device, camera, email machine, Facebook checker and twitter sender.  My smartphone is also a fabulous way to kill time.  Granted, rare is the time when a stay at home dad blogger, with a part time business, has time to kill.  In those rare instances, it’s good to have something that can take your mind away and occupy less time than watching TMZ. Continue reading Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

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