More often than not dads in TV advertisements are portrayed as knuckleheads, jocks or ‘dumb-dad.’ The ‘dumb-dad’ is the generic dimwit father that buys a falcon with the money he saves by switching insurance companies. Every dad on television doesn’t need to be a scholar who can cook and operate a chainsaw. However, it is nice to see the dad who is shown in an intelligent or humorous way, without being demeaning. Continue reading The new Tide Laundry Detergent does stay-at-home dads right
Chattahoochee Nature Center’s Halloween Hikes is family fun
If you’re looking for a family friendly activity around Atlanta this time of year be sure to include the Halloween Hikes at Chattahoochee Nature Center. Don’t let the ‘hike’ in the title fool you, it’s not a strenuous walk through the hills. Halloween Hikes is a chance for the entire family to take a guided walking tour along the CNC grounds with costumed characters to entertain and inform. Continue reading Chattahoochee Nature Center’s Halloween Hikes is family fun
The Life and Times of a 1-week old
Now that they’re born and on the way towards adulthood let’s take a look at what you can expect during this first week. The trip to the hospital has been covered, so has the birth. Now it’s time for mom to recover, get that newborn home and see how soon they can start mowing the grass or doing the dishes. Continue reading The Life and Times of a 1-week old
The birth of your child
After nine months of waiting, the time has come. You pregnant moms can now drink beer and eat sushi. You’ll also give birth to a child. Here’s what to expect when you’re not expecting anymore. Continue reading The birth of your child
Daddy Mojo reads: Curious Critters by David FitzSimmons
We’ve been reading to Toddler Mojo since he was born. Now that he’s older, i.e. a toddler, his books are getting more complex. He has his books that are age appropriate, as well as, several that are beyond his reach, but still enjoyable because of the pictures. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: Curious Critters by David FitzSimmons
Dad and Mom Go to the Baby Store
After the 39th week of pregnancy moms-to-be are ready to go to the hospital. In some cases you’ll schedule the appointment and others will manically drive to The Women’s Center at your local hospital. We learned a couple things from our most recent visit to The Women’s Center that might help some of the expectant dads. Continue reading Dad and Mom Go to the Baby Store
Dad spends a night in the mancave: Thor and X-Men First Class
We had two bits of good news recently. Mommy Mojo gave birth to More Mojo, which allowed us to spend three nights on the sofa watching mancave movies. A wife in the hospital recovering from birth can be a blessing if you choose your movies carefully. We chose Thor and X-Men First Class, did we choose wisely? Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Thor and X-Men First Class
The Way is personal & professional for its star & director
The Way is the latest movie starring Martin Sheen. It’s story driven, with no special effects, sexual overtones, bad language or nudity. In other words, it’s a tough sell in Hollywood. We caught a sneak preview of The Way and the movie is effective, well told and a welcome distraction. Continue reading The Way is personal & professional for its star & director