Overweight children according to Chunk from The Goonies

We love The Goonies in our house.  It’s one of those movies that can stop me and my wife from whatever we’re doing to sit down and watch.    In The Goonies Chunk was played by Jeff Cohen, who at the time was a very chubby, excitable tween.

If Chunk were transplanted from the late 80’s to today, he could be labeled obese.   Granted, Chunk is a fictional character, but the actor portraying him could either be taken away by the state, given a video guilt trip or have doctors that are scared of what parents think. Continue reading Overweight children according to Chunk from The Goonies

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Captain America

Last year I momentarily got my boxers in a bunch because Captain America was not going to be filmed in the U.S.  The irony of not filming a movie called Captain America not in his namesake could only be distracted by a pregnant wife, crawling baby and work.   Thankfully all three of those things happened to make me realize I didn’t have time to think about where some movie would be filmed.  Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Captain America

Daddy Mojo takes the Holiday Shopping Challenge at Sears

My holiday shopping is almost done.  The 2-year old toddler, Jake and Charlie, our 2-month old are all sorted out with toys and clothing.  My wife and I decided that we would not give gifts to each other this year; instead we’d spend that money on needed things in the house or a gift for ourselves. I trust my wife that this isn’t a trick and that she really means it this year. Continue reading Daddy Mojo takes the Holiday Shopping Challenge at Sears

DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

When my wife and I moved into our house it came with an extensive outdoor lighting set up.  In the front yard alone there are 20 lights.  In the back yard there are about 20 more, all of the lights are metal and the entire system runs on three transformers.  We live on a normal sized lot, mind you, it’s just a very well lit lot.  Continue reading DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

The Sears Real Deal Coupon Book and Black Friday 411

You know that Sears has something for everyone.  It’s got toys for the kids, clothing for the ladies, tools for the men, men’s clothing for the ladies to buy the men and toys for men of all ages.  This year Sears is offering huge Black Friday deals, the ability to shop online before Black Friday to save time and money and coupons that you can use after the big shopping day.  Continue reading The Sears Real Deal Coupon Book and Black Friday 411

Daddy Mojo reads The Great Expectations School by Dan Brown

I enjoy watching zombie movies.  There’s a sense of dread that hangs in the air.  You want to yell out to the characters not to do something or to run anyplace other than where they are now.  In a way I enjoyed reading The Great Expectations School, a Rookie year in the New Blackboard Jungle for some of those same reasons. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads The Great Expectations School by Dan Brown

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