The VW “Is it Fast” Commercial Gets Dads Down Pat

As a Dad I’m highly critical and a bit sensitive to the way that advertisers or entertainers portray Dads.  All too often Dads in the media are portrayed as ‘dumbass dads’ who excel at failure or are aloof and come up short at anything they do.  Tide’s stay-at-home-dad spot got it right in their recent television ad and now VW does it right too. Continue reading The VW “Is it Fast” Commercial Gets Dads Down Pat

The Brother P-Touch Label Maker durability garage test

In August I announced that Daddy Mojo was participating in the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program.    It was my submission that my garage was where good tools go to die or at least get lost amongst all the clutter.  Between all the bikes, children’s toys, shop vac, bicycles and strollers we had to fit a car and have a toddler walk through there without tripping or being attracted to anything sharp or dangerous.  Continue reading The Brother P-Touch Label Maker durability garage test

Parenting fail: Georgia mom lets 10 year old son get tattoo

Ode to live in Georgia where there’s always an interesting parenting story going on.   The latest is a Chuntera Napier, the mother to a 10 year old who allowed him to get a tattoo that had his deceased brother’s jersey number.  If 10 seems a bit young to get a tattoo then you’re right, it’s against the law and defies all common sense that a parent would allow it. Continue reading Parenting fail: Georgia mom lets 10 year old son get tattoo

Satellite TV, the family and valuable Mancave time

When you live on your own, watching TV is possibly the easiest thing in the world. Not only does it require no effort, but you don’t have to share it with anybody, not that I’m bad with sharing or anything.  I like to watch TV, so when I was approached by Satellite TV to write a post on it and the family it was a natural fit.   On your own, the TV is 100% your domain and you’re free to watch any shows or movies you want to.  That’s one reason why I like doing the Mancave movies so much; I don’t have to worry about whether they are enjoyable or appropriate for anyone else. Continue reading Satellite TV, the family and valuable Mancave time

Free Prostate Screenings this Weekend in Atlanta

After much procrastination I finally got my physical, PSA test and prostate screening done the other week.  A couple of years ago I drove north about 30 minutes to receive a free prostate screening.  It was a cold, rainy day, there was a small line and I was lazy, so I left and waited three years to get a prostate screening.   Continue reading Free Prostate Screenings this Weekend in Atlanta

The ‘slave math lesson’ in Georgia and what’s missing

In Norcross, Georgia a government (public) school issued math homework to some of the third graders.   Unfortunately some of these word problems incorporated slavery lessons that they were being taught about in social studies.  “If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in 1 week”, is an example that the kids took home with them.  Continue reading The ‘slave math lesson’ in Georgia and what’s missing

Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

Congratulations go out to Jay Z and Beyonce who welcomed their first child into the world.  Congratulation also goes out to them for joining other (mainly) celebrities who’ve given their child a bizarre, potentially punitive name.  Continue reading Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

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