The power of H20 and the Water Flosser to clean my teethy grin

I love that feeling after you just brushed and flossed your teeth.   There was once a time when I didn’t floss my teeth regularly.  I didn’t know that it was important, was living overseas and was scared to visit the dentist.  When I finally visited the dentist they told me that I had 8 cavities between my teeth.

“You can get cavities between your teeth?”, I said.  The dentist proceeded to break out the 8 cavities into a payment plan so that they could fill them all at one time.  Continue reading The power of H20 and the Water Flosser to clean my teethy grin

Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

Because I drive the kids around most of the radio stations can’t be listened to because the music is too coarse for young ears.  My motto is that if they have to bleep out words, then it’s a station I don’t listen to with the kids.  It was shortly after driving with the kids that I started listening to country music. Continue reading Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

The Brother P-Touch Durability Test: The Sequel & Update

In January I wrote about how durable the Brother P-Touch is and how it helped me straighten up the garage.  True to the hectic life of a stay at home dad those test strips are still on the floor of the garage and look as good as the day I put them down there.  Continue reading The Brother P-Touch Durability Test: The Sequel & Update

WaterPik SinuSense goes mano a mano with my spring allergies

My allergies in the spring are cruel. My nose weighs 20 pounds, I sound like a fool when I talk and nobody can understand me. They start out as allergies and end up as a sinus infection. It’s a dance that my nasal cavities and I have done the past four years. When offered the chance to review SinuSense from WaterPik I jumped like a bunny. Continue reading WaterPik SinuSense goes mano a mano with my spring allergies

Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove ticket giveaway at Gwinnett Arena

Disney on Ice presents Treasure Trove, a medley of Disney tales and music all wound up into one magical show on ice.  It’s a brand new show that will be running at the Gwinnett Arena from March 28 to April 1.  Continue reading Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove ticket giveaway at Gwinnett Arena

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Killer Elite

Some say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.  If that’s the case then I’m crazy for Jason Statham.  I watch his movies and most of them since The Transporter have been bad.  Just when I was about to lump Statham in a pile with all my old JCVD tapes he goes out and stars in a great movie for him.  Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Killer Elite

John Carter is escapist, sci-fi fun that’s good for the family

From the preview that I saw I had already written the review to John Carter in my mind.  I had heard the negative hype on the movie and some of the trailers didn’t look engaging.  Actually going to ‘see’ the movie was kind of an afterthought and a good excuse to get me out of the house.  About ¼ of the way through John Carter I was eating crow, fully engrossed in the film and loving every minute of it. Continue reading John Carter is escapist, sci-fi fun that’s good for the family

Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

The first annual Dad 2.0 conference is happening in Austin this week.  One topic that will certainly be discussed is dads, brands, advertising and how they can rectify reality with what really happens.  OK, in my ideal world that is how brands would start to work with dads.  In reality the conversation at Dad 2.0, relative to advertising and brands may be all about Huggies and not for the reasons they would like. Continue reading Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

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