The Raid Redemption is a near perfect action movie

Is the headline too much?  A reviewer should leave something to the imagination of the reader.  However, The Raid Redemption is one of the better action movies that you’ll see this year.  After the first five minutes the movie rockets forward and never looks back.  Continue reading The Raid Redemption is a near perfect action movie

A tense dad with a bad back tries hot yoga

Through a series of events, typical ‘male’ posture and inflexibility I have some back issues.  I started seeing a chiropractor who commented that my demeanor seemed so relaxed, but when he tried to adjust me I was a tense wreck.  “What do you do to make yourself so tense?”; he asked.  I told him I’m a stay at home dad to 2.5 year old toddler and a 6 month old.  Continue reading A tense dad with a bad back tries hot yoga

Tips on adopting a dog into a family with children

The other day I was talking to a parent and they told me that they wanted a dog; but thought against it because they have a child.  Before being a parent I did social media and PR for an animal shelter.    I’m a firm believer that a dog has more benefits to a family environment than downfalls.   Continue reading Tips on adopting a dog into a family with children

Sock Ons get a grip on your baby’s socks

There are some inventions that are so obvious that you kick yourself for not coming up with it.  A device to keep baby’s socks on is something that falls in that category.  To that end, Sock Ons are a simple invention that my cashier at Publix commented on by saying, “I wish I would’ve thought of that”. Continue reading Sock Ons get a grip on your baby’s socks

Mirror Mirror falls short of entertaining, even in fairy tale land

It’s the year of Snow White!  Dwarf and Shakespearean actors rejoice because there will be lots of screen time for you in some production of Snow White on television or in movies.  Mirror Mirror is the first movie this year to hit and casts a fresh light on the familiar tale of Snow White.  Continue reading Mirror Mirror falls short of entertaining, even in fairy tale land

Alicia Silverstone feeds her son like a bird, parents call fowl

My wife was checking up on Facebook and she casually asked me if I’d seen the video of Alicia Silverstone feeding her son like a bird.  “Like a bird”, I asked, “You mean regurgitating it?”  She then went on to ask me if I knew what her son’s name was.  I guessed Robin, but that’s incorrect. Continue reading Alicia Silverstone feeds her son like a bird, parents call fowl

The power of H20 and the Water Flosser to clean my teethy grin

I love that feeling after you just brushed and flossed your teeth.   There was once a time when I didn’t floss my teeth regularly.  I didn’t know that it was important, was living overseas and was scared to visit the dentist.  When I finally visited the dentist they told me that I had 8 cavities between my teeth.

“You can get cavities between your teeth?”, I said.  The dentist proceeded to break out the 8 cavities into a payment plan so that they could fill them all at one time.  Continue reading The power of H20 and the Water Flosser to clean my teethy grin

Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

Because I drive the kids around most of the radio stations can’t be listened to because the music is too coarse for young ears.  My motto is that if they have to bleep out words, then it’s a station I don’t listen to with the kids.  It was shortly after driving with the kids that I started listening to country music. Continue reading Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

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