A dog, toddler and dirty diapers meet in a bar

I’m on the sofa at 6:20 p.m.   My body has a pounding ache; head is pulsing and there is an immediate need for something relaxing.  SyFy is On Demand, so I find Fact or Faked and watch the gentle sexually tension between Jael, Lanisha and the rest of the cast as they debunk viral videos.  The day didn’t start with signs of a complete meltdown by most of the living creatures in the house. Continue reading A dog, toddler and dirty diapers meet in a bar

A dad reads The Mommy Diaries by Dallas Louis

“Mommy books” can be a tough genre to read if you’re a parent.  If you’re a parent then the subject matter is familiar, you have a busy schedule and probably know what will happen in the story.   I’ve read many books that take a humorous look at parenting and most of them get a collective ‘meh.’ Continue reading A dad reads The Mommy Diaries by Dallas Louis

Memories for my children and ones that I can’t remember

To be clear, by ‘ones that I can’t remember’ I mean memories, and not children that I’ve forgotten.    My wife used to make fun of me because I don’t remember anything about my childhood.  She is like an elephant in the fact that she remembers tiny details about her life when she was a kid.  The places they’d visit, favorite meals, conversations, holiday traditions-you name it she can probably recall it. Continue reading Memories for my children and ones that I can’t remember

Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

My Wife is great.  She’s a great Mother, fabulous Wife and my best friend.  Around gift giving occasions she’ll let me know exactly what she wants or needs.  Wait, it gets better; usually she wants a gift card to a store.  Score two man points in the good husband category. Continue reading Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

Disney Social Media Moms was more than a seminar

Disney Social Media Moms is a social media conference in Orlando.  It focuses heavily on motivation and overcoming obstacles.  Disney Social Media Moms is attended by lots of mom bloggers, a couple Disney bloggers and a couple dad bloggers.  Continue reading Disney Social Media Moms was more than a seminar

Toydozer cleans up small toys like it is child’s play-Giveaway!

Small toys can be the bane of any parent.  Even though our children are 7 months and 2.8 years old they can create quite the spread out mess of toys.  It’s carnage on a small scale with toy cars, animals, crayons and little trains spread out around the play table.  With any luck these toys are in the same room, more often than not they’re like a trail leading to where the toddler was before bedtime.  Continue reading Toydozer cleans up small toys like it is child’s play-Giveaway!

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Haywire

If there is a void in the mancave movie genre it’s the lack of art and the absence of strong women. Granted that could also be the appeal of mancave movies.   A perfect example of this is The Expendables, which doesn’t pretend to have either of them.    With that void in mind Steven Soderbergh made Haywire, starring MMA superstar Gina Carano. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Haywire

The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo is May 12 at The Fabulous Fox

Being a parent is interesting because; if you’re honest, there is so much that you know you don’t know.   When my wife was pregnant with our second child I had forgotten many of the intricacies of what newborns and babies do and need.  Coincidentally, l attended The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo while she was pregnant. Continue reading The Atlanta Baby and Child Expo is May 12 at The Fabulous Fox

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