4 books every toddler should have in their library

Toddler Mojo has loved to read ever since we can remember.  The books that he’s liked have changed over the past two and a half years.  Brown Bear was big for a while, followed by Polar Bear and Ten Apples on Top, which he still likes. If you’ll have a child who’s just over two and half soon, or need a gift for one, here are some books that ours really loves now. Continue reading 4 books every toddler should have in their library

DIY a stay at home dad can do: Kill weeds without chemicals-Update!

Just over a month ago we started an experiment killing weeds around the house.  We had two areas as our sample, one was treated with boiling hot water and the other with white vinegar.  Continue reading DIY a stay at home dad can do: Kill weeds without chemicals-Update!

Because Your Mommy Loves You, giveaway and review

In the mind’s eye of a parent you see yourself doing something, while telling yourself that you shouldn’t being doing it.  Most of the time what you’re doing is not being patient enough with your children.  I’m a very patient person, but I’m raising my hand in that I know I do this all too often. Continue reading Because Your Mommy Loves You, giveaway and review

Social media and life lessons at Disney Social Media Moms

Trying to digest the information that you learn at conferences can be challenging.  Once you’re home, the tide of housework and clients can overwhelm the lessons that you were supposed to incorporate into your lifestyle.  I’m used to writing in 140 characters, but here are some of the major points I took away from Disney Social Media Moms.  Continue reading Social media and life lessons at Disney Social Media Moms

All Mojo babies try new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers

That sounds like a rule or decree from the home office.  Henceforth, all babies, within the Mojo house shall wear that which locks wetness, moisture or potentially smelly things in thine diaper.  In reality it’s not a decree, it’s just the way we roll. Continue reading All Mojo babies try new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers

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