Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

Dream Works Animation is partnering with Lowe’s to produce some children’s crafts that really have character.  These are the free children’s clinics that Lowe’s has in their stores.  Key words:  free, fun, Dream Works Animation inspired wood projects at Lowe’s and free. Continue reading Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

Our favorite iPad app for toddlers this month

This month’s favorite iPad app for toddler is great because your child will love it and it’s free!  Factor in that the app is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally appisode and it’s a slam dunk.  Literally, if you have a toddler and an iPad you should stop reading this now and go download it, we’ll wait here. Continue reading Our favorite iPad app for toddlers this month

Twitter party 7:30-9:00 PM EST, June 5 on video games #SYWR, #Kmart

It’s the early part of summer and there’s a certain day for Dads coming up soon.  You can use that excuse if you want to.  If you’re a casual gamer who plays from time to time with the kids or a Gamer who hold class every night there is something for you at this Twitter party. Continue reading Twitter party 7:30-9:00 PM EST, June 5 on video games #SYWR, #Kmart

Can you handle the tooth about the Oral-B 5000?

We were asked to try out the Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000.  As a simple man I sometimes distrust seemingly simple devices with complicated names.  “If any product really was labeled as improved, than the previous incarnation must not have been that good”, is what my inner non-trusting self would say. Continue reading Can you handle the tooth about the Oral-B 5000?

What do you tell your child to call their private parts?

We’re in the process of motivating Toddler Mojo to use the potty.  He’s just over two and a half, the potty has been purchased and now we’re waiting for it all to ‘click’.  Apparently it just ‘clicks’, that’s what every parent we’ve asked has said happens. Continue reading What do you tell your child to call their private parts?

Batman is not gay and superheroes can be deaf

My wife can testify to the fact that I’m a fanboy.  I subscribe to a couple comic books and can recite more than a couple lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.   There were a couple items this past week that fanboys, marketers, PR people, GLAAD and the National Association of the Deaf can celebrate. Continue reading Batman is not gay and superheroes can be deaf

Madagascar themed activities around Atlanta this week

Welcome to Atlanta in the summer, the oppressive humidity says hello.  Madagascar 3 opens in theaters on June 8.  In advance of that there are several critter themed happenings around Buford, Lawrenceville and Suwanee that are fun for the family. Continue reading Madagascar themed activities around Atlanta this week

Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

For the past several years I’ve grown something edible in the garden.  It started out with tomatoes, then blackberries were added and this year we threw in zucchini, catnip and basil.  The majority of our family’s food doesn’t come from the side of our house though. Continue reading Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

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