Win a family 4 pack to Ice Age: Continental Drift on 7/7 at AMC Discovery Mills

Anybody that has a child four or older has seen parts of one of the Ice Age movies.  The Ice Age movies  feature the vocal talent of Ray Ramano, Denis Leary and John Leguizamo.  Ice Age: Continental Drift opens in theaters on July 13, but you can win a family 4 pack of tickets to catch a sneak preview on July 7 at AMC Discovery Mills in Lawrenceville. Continue reading Win a family 4 pack to Ice Age: Continental Drift on 7/7 at AMC Discovery Mills

Pull Ups has tools to help with potty training

Lately, my mind has been in the toilet.  Potty training is a topic that is front and center to any parent of a toddler.   Toddler Mojo is just over two and a half and is curious about the potty.  For the sake of our potty training lingo, potty mean urination and poop means solid matter.  However, all of these terms are  hypothetical because Toddler Mojo is just starting the process of potty training. Continue reading Pull Ups has tools to help with potty training

Movies on Demand are great for busy parents giveaway

I love me some Movies On Demand.  Twenty years ago I lived near a community that was testing this new technology that would allow them to watch anything they want to.  The thought of being able to stream Terminator 2 directly to my television was too much to fathom; not to mention being able to skip past commercials when watching regular TV. Continue reading Movies on Demand are great for busy parents giveaway

Brave is not your typical ‘princess’ animated movie

Go see a Disney Pixar movie?  Sure thing, I don’t even need to read the plot description, it’s bound to be somewhat along the lines of the others.  Fabulous animation, great songs and dialogue that will entertain the kids and make parents laugh too.   Brave is most of that, but it’s also very different.  I didn’t know anything about the movie prior to watching it and the film left me feeling lukewarm.  After watching a preview of the film, after I saw the movie, I liked the movie a little bit more. Continue reading Brave is not your typical ‘princess’ animated movie

The Philips Norelco AT830: Shaving with a vengeance #realpro #norelco

I’m in the second week of shaving with an electric, specifically the Phillips Norelco PowerTouch with Aquatec shaver.  There is something about the name of the product that reminds me of Dallas; like Patrick Duffy is about to announce that it’s all been a dream.  Continue reading The Philips Norelco AT830: Shaving with a vengeance #realpro #norelco

3 Moms: 2 justified, 1 foolish

3 moms made the news for one reason or the other. Moms make the news all the time, but the fact that they are a mother rarely factors into that.  These stories illustrate why moms are great.  Well, the first 2 illustrate that fact, the third one is a desperate PR stunt by an entertainer. Continue reading 3 Moms: 2 justified, 1 foolish

Giveaway: A Graco Pack ‘n Play

When Toddler Mojo was a newborn he spent some time in a pack ‘n play.  We didn’t use it too much because in order to fold it the planets had to be aligned correctly and you had to hold your mouth, just, like that.  The old pack ‘n play was a pain in the tuckus to fold.  When More Mojo came along we were offered the chance from Graco to review the Pack ‘n Play Playard with Reversible Napper & Changer.  Yeah, the official name of it is a mouthful, but it will serve More Mojo until he’s 3 years  old and most importantly, it’s incredibly easy to fold.  Continue reading Giveaway: A Graco Pack ‘n Play

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