Infested is age-appropriate horror for the reluctant teen reader soul

Stop me if you’ve heard this, but when I was a youth I was a reluctant reader. Throughout my life I’ve always read comic books, however, it wasn’t until I started reading horror that I truly enjoyed reading. Back then it was Clive Barker, Stephen King, and any horror movie adaptations that I could get my hands on. Infested is mglit that is cut from a similar cloth and directed at the same 13-17-year-old readers who don’t want to. Older readers or educators will immediately be skeptical because Infested is from MTV Entertainment Books. If you’re old enough to say Martha Quinn let’s all get “but they don’t play music videos” out of our system now so that we can move on with the order of talking about the book.

Infested is the teen horror book that will make reluctant readers jump into the book pool and declare that everything is fine, with millions of roaches.
Scary things for the middle and high school soul

Along Came A Radioactive Spider, the story behind Spidey’s other creator

It’s obvious to pop-culture or comic book fans from the book’s title, Along Came A Radioactive Spider, that Spider-Man is central to the plot of the story. The book’s subtitle, Strange Steve Ditko and the Creation of Spider-Man, fills in some of the blanks and might introduce some elementary school-age readers to the other man behind the spider. He was the peanut butter to Stan Lee’s chocolate and the man who helmed the illustrated manifestation of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko. This illustrated book moves with the same kinetic energy as a great comic book in presenting the strange aspect of how Ditko was perceived and his impact on the publishing world.

Along Came A Radioactive Spider uses effective, attention-getting art and the inspiring story of Steve Ditko that’ll entertain and motivate readers.
Spidey fan or not, young readers will dig this book

Ten-Word Tiny Tales to Inspire and Unsettle is curiously amazing

Start with a hook. If it’s a great hook then I won’t change the channel. If it’s a lame hook then you’re quickly going somewhere else. When I teach creative writing I use that analogy and the students completely understand it. Ten-Word Tiny Tales to Inspire and Unsettle is exactly what the title says it is. It’s a handful of stories, more accurately opening lines from stories that haven’t been told, that open up unlimited potential as to what they could become. Being that they are only ten words they have the capacity to be understood by children, yet some of the words and concepts are very dreamy, abstract, or nonsensical. It’s a very curious book indeed.

Ten-Word Tiny Tales: To Inspire and Unsettle is a children’s book that lays kindling at the base of imagination for any age.
For young kids to ponder over or older kids to inspire writing possibilities

Wonders of the Night Sky, an intelligent illustrated book, for the masses

Effective illustrated books have the potential for more purpose than telling simple stories. Granted, that is where most illustrated or picture books reside, but some of them live in a vein diagram world with more intersections. Wonders of the Night Sky is an illustrated book that has its fingers in the figurative pie of several circles and acts as a lushly illustrated reference book or a highly detailed illustrated book, just to mention two of them. One could also marvel at Wonders of the Night Sky just for its artwork as you appreciate the thousand shades of blue that are deftly mixed with the blackness of outer space. It also might make you gaze up at the night sky a bit more, especially if you’re in a more rural area, and are able to see more of the limitless palette of darkness that are interspersed with lights of different color.

Wonders of the Night Sky is an illustrated book that’s super smart, but not intimidatingly so, for elementary school and up on the vastness of the night sky view.
Space, it’s a great book with oodles of curious facts for kids.

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown timeless board book excellence

To borrow from another classic, seasonal story, you’d really have to be a Grinch not to like Peanuts, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Yeah, there are umpteen Peanuts books out there for children and if they figured out a way to harvest the hair off of Charlie Brown’s bald head then people would probably still buy it. Just a quick glance at the other Halloween books available from Linus and the gang reveals, The Great Pumpkin Returns, Countdown to Halloween, and Happy Halloween, Charlie Brown!. So, with all of those books in the Peanut-sphere, what could possibly make It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown worth getting?

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is now released in a hardcover, oversized keepsake book and it’s as great as you hope it is.
The force is strong with this one

STEM, cosplay, jet propulsion and planetary geology at Dragon Con

Every August when I introduce myself to students I give them the FAQ about my life. One of the things that I mention to them is that I go to Dragon Con each year to play video games and listen to the scientists who are speaking. “Do you dress up like a dragon?” is what the smarmy response that a couple of the well-meaning, but curious kids will utter. This year when they asked I said “Yes, and I’ll be talking with jet propulsion specialists, NASA engineers, and others who have been integral in the outer space discoveries for decades to come.” I’ve been practicing my ‘yes, and’ method of shutting down or continuing conversations in the manner of improv comedy.

Dragon Con is much more than a Con. It’s a gathering of all things pop culture and one of the most accessible and entertaining science conversations that you’ll have access to.
Where can you dig all of this and speak science at the deep end?

Wonders of the Night Sky, an intelligent illustrated book, for the masses

Effective illustrated books have the potential for more purpose than telling simple stories. Granted, that is where most illustrated or picture books reside, but some of them live in a vein diagram world with more intersections. Wonders of the Night Sky is an illustrated book that has its fingers in the figurative pie of several circles and acts as a lushly illustrated reference book or a highly detailed illustrated book, just to mention two of them. One could also marvel at Wonders of the Night Sky just for its artwork as you appreciate the thousand shades of blue that are deftly mixed with the blackness of outer space. It also might make you gaze up at the night sky a bit more, especially if you’re in a more rural area, and are able to see more of the limitless palette of darkness that are interspersed with lights of a different color.

Wonders of the Night Sky is an illustrated book that’s super smart, but not intimidatingly so, for elementary school and up on the vastness of the night sky view.
Stardate: let’s get more kids into astronomy and Stem

Molly and the Mutants lays glorious 80’s waste to the sophomore curse

Molly and the Mutants, it sounds like a bubblegum band from the 60’s, doesn’t it? Assuming that you’re reading for non-classroom purposes, reading should be fun. It’s an experience that can transport you to a different world, relax your brain, make you think, and perhaps even make you cry, but it should be fun. And wow, did Moll and the Mutants ever get the fun memo and is running with it down the halls of upper elementary school and mglit fiefdoms across the land.

Molly and the Mutants is the second in the Far Flung Falls book series and cements itself as a go-to destination for mglit leisure reading.
MGLit in a festive, sci-fi, ’80s wrapper for ages 8 and up
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