The sublime simplicity of Can You Catch Me? Tutu and the Vehicles is disarming, immediate and resistance is futile. Tutu is a cute cat with disproportionally big eyes and is dressed like a ninja. The first page starts with a taunt of someone telling Tutu that they can’t catch them, as a black tail wisps away. Then we see Tutu jump on all manner of vehicles as they venture through a setting and onto or into a moving object in gentle pursuit of the black thing. Can You Catch Me? has the timeless graphics that today’s crawlers will find just as interesting as those ages will in 50 years.
simple and fabulous for three through sixCategory: Toddlers
Toddlers are at an amazing stage in their life. As a parent it’s up to you to help the toddler learn the basics, which will then be solidified once they go to school Get your parenting skills up mom and dad, you can do it.
This Little Engineer: A Think-and-do-Primer, board book to cerebral action
There is an entire world of board books out there. Some board books teach the very basics. The common denominator is that they all feature soft, pleasing illustrations that crawlers and pre-k students enjoy. This Little Engineer: A Think-and-do-Primer is a board book that ages three through six will identify with. It’s part of the board books that spotlight certain professions or characteristics in the This Little book series from Little Simon. The book also does a great job of identifying a very challenging aspect of something that most children question, but rarely get a great answer to.
come on in you smart crawlersLittle Pea, a super-cute read-aloud book that rises to the challenge
Little Pea is one of those books. It’s a book that’s meant to be read aloud to toddlers through first-grade students. The text is simple. The illustrations are cute, very detailed in a cartoon fashion, and relentlessly happy. With great read-aloud books, the magic happens when you read it and combine everything together. That’s what happens when you read Little Pea to children.

Nature is an Artist is a toddler’s first canvas or a relaxing read
Storytime! It’s that time when pre-k or kindergarten kids need a story read to them. It’s the book that they look at or listen to as they’re winding down for the day, or just for a little bit. The text in great storytime books usually rhymes and has illustrations that are colorful and loaded corner to corner with various hues. Nature is an Artist is one of those storytime books. Its premise is as direct as the title and will have toddlers through kindergarten hopefully looking at the things around their outside world in a different way.
Now this is an ‘art in nature’ book that we can digNo! Said Custard the Squirrel, super silly fun for crawlers-pre k
Pre-k and very early elementary school students need silly time. No! Said Custard the Squirrel is geared and targeted right at the silly spot that ages three through six crave. On the book’s cover we see a duck who is properly dressed as if they’re an artist politely, but firmly telling a curious possum, no. The possum is dubious of the duck’s claim, thus the story behind, No! Said Custard the Squirrel.

Do You Know Rocket Science?, go-to, fun STEM for pre-k
From its title, Do You Know Rocket Science? could be confused with something from the What Is or Who Was from the Who HQ authored series of books. While that series is awesome, they’re for older readers, which is somewhat ironic given the subject matter of rocket science. Instead, Do You Know Rocket Science? is actually a book about rocket science, that’s presented on a level that pre-k through first, as well as, their parents, will understand and enjoy. It’s from Chris Ferrie, an author who we’ve written about on a couple of occasions that has a knack for turning science and STEM into something that kids want to know about.

Alilo is an interactive, story and music gadget for crawlers to toddlers
Find someone who has never seen anything Japanese looking. You know what I mean. Certain products from Japan have a look. Alilo has that look. I see Alilo and it is kawaii incarnate. Alilo is a simple device that can entertain crawlers and toddlers in a variety of ways. It plays music, tells stories, sings nursery rhymes and can record personal messages from you.
Continue reading Alilo is an interactive, story and music gadget for crawlers to toddlers
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Around the Clubhouse World on DVD
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is our son’s comfort food. It’s something that he can be entertained by, laugh a little bit and find nothing scary in it at all. They’ve got a new DVD out, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Around the Clubhouse World that features an episode by the same name, as well as, four additional episodes.
Continue reading Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Around the Clubhouse World on DVD