A Tour of the Human Body, factoid fun for grades 1-4

For a period in every elementary student’s life, they are factoid machines. They have competition between themselves to seek out and parrot one or two-line facts about animals, the more disgusting, bizarre or unknown, the better. This is the age of the exception. Kids may not be able to tell you how many ounces are in a pound, but they’ll be able to tell you at a moment’s notice that you swallow an average of 1,500 pounds of food a year. A Tour of the Human Body: Amazing Numbers-Fantastic Facts is an illustrated book that introduces elementary-aged students to this bag of flesh, organs and bones that accommodate us during our time on Earth.

A Tour of the Human Body is an illustrated book that introduces this complex bag of bones and muscles to kids aged 5-9.
Factoids, the life blood of early elementary shool kids

This Little Engineer: A Think-and-do-Primer, board book to cerebral action

There is an entire world of board books out there. Some board books teach the very basics. The common denominator is that they all feature soft, pleasing illustrations that crawlers and pre-k students enjoy. This Little Engineer: A Think-and-do-Primer is a board book that ages three through six will identify with. It’s part of the board books that spotlight certain professions or characteristics in the This Little book series from Little Simon. The book also does a great job of identifying a very challenging aspect of something that most children question, but rarely get a great answer to.

This Little Engineer: A Think-and-do-Primer is a board book that makes crawlers through 2nd grade think, but also clears up the vague definition of “what is an engineer?”
come on in you smart crawlers

The Solvers Mission 1: The DivMulti Ray Dilemma does new math proud

Remember the “new math” joke from a couple of years ago? Parents of elementary school-age students realized that division and multiplication had a slightly different way of being taught. It’s not “new” per se, it’s just described using the commutative property, which is also a very quick way to learn craps. The Solvers is an interactive graphic novel series that entertains and educates. The DivMulti Ray Dilemma is the first in the series that manages to explain division and multiplication in a way that new and old math people can understand and does so with a strong superhero story that will guide those reluctant math readers.

The Solvers: The DivMulti Ray Dilemma is a math graphic novel that runs with energy, entertainment and education.
Graphic novel + Fun + Math = mastery of the subject

Plague-Busters! uses humor, quip-ridden text and art to make STEM fun

There is a difference between a good book and a fun book. Good books don’t necessarily have to be fun and those fun books don’t always have to be good, in a literary or personal sense. You may read some tawdry summer beach love book about teenage vampires or romantic solo vacations to the edge of the world and they are 100% your jam, and others might not view them as good, but they sure are fun. Plague-Busters! Medicine’s Battles with History’s Deadliest Diseases is a fun book that’s laden with dozens of illustrations and snappy text that makes the world’s low points accessible, without watering down their scale.

Plague-Busters! Is an entry gate, heavily illustrated, entertaining chapter book with humor and science on the planet’s deadliest diseases.
Dancing rodents among the bulbous infection, c’mon in

Sick!, an eye-catching, appropriate name for a gateway STEM graphic novel

If elementary school-age students latched onto the disgusting elements of science I’m convinced that more people would follow the STEM path. I also fully believe that in 2034, many actively working scientists will cite Phineas and Ferb as a main influence. Sick! The Twists and Turns Behind Animal Germs is a STEM book that’s disgusting in all of the right ways.

Sick! The Twists and Turns Behind Animal Germs is an engaging chapter graphic novel on how little things are a big deal to animals.
A smart chapter graphic novel, yeah that’s a thing

Beulah has a Hunch!, bygone innovations and their unlikely shepherd

Oh Beulah, you always have a hunch. When I read to younger elementary school audiences I love books like Beulah has a Hunch! Inside the Colorful Mind of Master Inventor Beulah Louise Henry, and so do those young audiences. It’s a real story and is one of the first instances of a non-fiction illustrated book that pre-k and early elementary will experience, and we do love some non-fiction. However, non-fiction is only as good as its enjoyment to those elementary ages. This is where the illustrations; combined with the zippy vibe of the book make Beulah has a Hunch! a fun time that won’t tax their time and just might inspire their imagination.

Beulah has a Hunch! is approachable, non-fiction STEM about an inventor that most people haven’t heard of who revolutionized the way kids play and how 1920’s ladies presented themselves.

Lady Edison for the win

How Old Is A Whale? soft, story-driven STEM on age for those 6 and up

Lily Murray got the memo. That’s the memo that states that the best way to get reluctant readers is to ask a question. How Old Is A Whale? Animal Life Spans From the Mayfly to the Immortal Jellyfish starts with a question that kids might never have asked, but asks it anyway. It’s the same Pavlovian instinct that kicks in when someone gently tosses a ball at you. You don’t actively want to catch or throw something, but you’ll catch the ball. How Old Is A Whale? I don’t know. I don’t care, I’ve never thought about it, but now that the book has asked me, I’m curious. A whale must have an interesting age scale because the book has thrown the question my way, so let’s see.

How Old is a Whale? asks the question that every elementary kids poses, plus dozens of other age-related ones on animals of all sizes.
Ask the question, you know that you want to

Fungi Grow, balances poetry, naturalistic STEM and entertainment

Fungi Grow is a smart illustrated book that operates like Chutes and Ladders, if it were laid over an MC Escher drawing with everything still making sense. This is the world of mushrooms. If you ever thought that it would be impossible to make a lyrical illustrated book that dances between poetry, educating kids about fungi and entertaining young readers all to the same degree, then this is just the sort of book that’ll grow on you. The fact that it’s an oversized book provides younger readers more opportunities to fill in the book at their own pace, hopefully letting them know that it’s normal to love to read. Will a cute rabbit and dozens of multi-colored mushrooms on the cover yield a new generation of mycologists?

Fungi Grow sounds like a rallying cry for a dude to get larger in the garden. In reality, it’s a STEM based poetry book that melds lyricism, nature and entertainment.
You don’t have to be a mycologist or stem-kid to love this book
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