We would all be better off without social media, wouldn’t we? A blogging friend of mine had to re-access his social media usage when his 4 YO daughter drew a picture of them-and they were on the phone. After that illustration they went on a social detox to evaluate what’s really important. Me, Myselfie & I, A Cautionary Tale is a book that some parents need to read and all parents won’t mind reading. Thankfully, it’s presented in a manner that kids in pre-K through second grade will actually want to read it also.
Moreover, the book is one that parents can read without feeling guilty. It celebrates the smartphone, as well as social media and presents the life bonding moments that they can bring. The book also teaches the lesson of moderation, which is one that we all could use a reminder of from time to time.
Continue reading Me, Myselfie & I, A Cautionary Tale rings true for too many folks