Mosquitoes Can’t Bite Ninjas, simple ninja fun for 6 and under

Mosquitoes and ninjas are things that are loathed and loved by children. One can ruin a summer’s day simply by hearing its high pitch squeal and the other can capture children’s imaginations and eluding everything else. Combine the two into a children’s picture book and you’ve got Mosquitoes Can’t Bite Ninjas by Jordan P. Novak.

Mosquitoes Can’t Bite Ninjas is a silly book that’s seemingly made for summer and those young readers who are 6 and under. The entire book takes place in a neighborhood with a sneaky and hungry mosquito looking for his next prey. We see the swimmer, chef, old lady and baby all being bitten by everyone’s go-to summer buzz kill, the mosquito.

Jordan p. novak, young reader, mosquitoes can’t bite ninjas, children’s book, books, ninjas, children’s picture book

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World, a book to go nuts for

We’re fans of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comic book from Marvel Comics. It’s one of those of those comic books that has more puns per paragraph than your uncle Murray and securely has its tongue in cheek. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Squirrel Girl Meets World is a novel adaptation of a Squirrel Girl story that will be OK for young readers who are upper elementary students and up. That age range is kind of a switch up from the comic book, which lists itself as appropriate for teens.

Squirrel girl, squirrel meets world, reluctant reader, comic book, kidlit, children’s book, the unbeatable squirrel girl

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One Lonely Fish, A Counting Book With Bite, that doesn’t bite

When is a board book not a board book? It’s not that all counting books are board books mind you; it’s just that most of them are. One Lonely Fish has board book thick pages, as well as content that’s OK for them, but is in a big format rectangular book. It’s also fabulous, teaches young kids how to count, is fresh, original and may nudge your young child to a graphic design career.

One Lonely Fish, counting book, graphic design, board book, early reader, counting

Continue reading One Lonely Fish, A Counting Book With Bite, that doesn’t bite

Octonauts Live! review: Cadets under 8 will love it

Explore! Rescue! Protect! The family saw Octonauts Live! and it was a visual celebration for the toddler to early elementary set. It was the first stage show for our youngest who is five. He kept stating that we’re going to see an Octonauts movie. I was explaining to him that it’s not a movie and that the Octonauts would be there in person.

Octonauts live, puppets, tweek, captain barnacles, midnight zone

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A is for Angry by Sandra Boynton, fabulous fun with adjectives and animals

A downside to your children learning the alphabet is that you miss out on the really cool alphabet books that come out. A is for Angry, an animal and adjective alphabet book by Sandra Boynton is in that category. It features her iconic characters, like the hippo, mouse, turkey and more doing things with a corresponding letter.

A is for angry, Sandra Boynton, Boynton, kid, alphabet books, board books

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Hillcrest Orchards, entertainment farming and U-pick done right

When is an orchard not an orchard? When it turns into entertainment farming! Entertainment farming is a term that we learned during our visit to Hillcrest Orchardsin in Ellijay, GA. Hillcrest Orchards is a massive orchard in Ellijay that spans over 80 acres and presents families with hours of fun in a variety of ways. Going apple picking, on the surface doesn’t sound like fun. However, factor in that there’s a petting zoo, multiple playgrounds and much more you’ve got a destination that will easily entertain kids 9 and younger for many hours.

Hillcrest Orchards, orchard, family, Georgia, corn maze, farming, petting zoo, Ellijay


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Denny’s brings the fluff with their new pancakes #DennysDiner

Hey, we’re an Ambassador for Denny’s and were compensated for this post. All thoughts, even the fluffy ones, are our own.  My wife sometimes makes pancakes on the weekends and the boys love them. And they are good-but it turns out that many visitors to Denny’s had the same thoughts. 44% of folks who visited Denny’s liked their pancakes, but thought that the best pancakes were the ones that they made at home. With the gauntlet thrown, the chefs at Denny’s went back to the kitchen and came out with a pancake that is 50% fluffier.

The new recipe has fresh buttermilk, flour, vanilla and eggs. Sure that’s close the same as the recipe you’re using at home, but (no offense to my wife) these are much fluffier. Does a fluffy pancake equal a tasty pancake? The taste aspect you’ll just have to trust me on, however, the size aspect we have proof.

 Dennys, Dennys diner, eat free, pancakes, new pancakes, fluffy, fluffier, kids eat free

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Becoming a dad didn’t totally end my arrested development. #ThanksBaby

I have partnered with Life of Dad  and Pampers for this promotion Before marrying my wife I was a cartoon of a man. I used a bandana for a wallet, cleaned the house with a leaf blower, lived in a house that I was renovating as a snail’s pace and had garbage in my car that was inches deep. It would be comforting to say that this occurred when I was in my early 20’s. However, add ten+ years to that figure and that is where this happy man-child was.  Age, the pursuit of my girlfriend (who became my wife!) and the entrance of a child helped my case of arrested development erode to where I’m a better man, as well as, a great husband and father, so #ThanksBaby.

Pampers, fathers day, father, dad, parenting, dads, #ThanksBaby, arrested development

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