Planning for a dog’s 4th of July and their nutrition #cbias #ad

In my previous life I worked at a large humane society where I did their social media and fundraising for five years.  During that time I heard hundreds of animal tales, learned about healthy dog treats and basic pet safety.   The 4th of July is great fun for humans, but can be a life altering day for dogs.  For us we’re going to treat our guys to some chicken jerky for dogs, BBQ at home and be thankful for all that we have. Continue reading Planning for a dog’s 4th of July and their nutrition #cbias #ad

Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

‘that’ dad can be taken many ways.  It’s the dad that is too protective, doesn’t allow freedom, wears annoying clothing or is hopelessly doing something that his children find embarrassing.   In this case I’m talking about that dad (or parent) that stops what’s happening when something is going on that is not right.  Continue reading Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

Everyday things you can do to show appreciation to the military

New Year’s Resolutions when you think about them are kind of silly.  If you really want to change behavior or drop bad habits then you can do it any day, and not just when the year changes.  The same thing goes for showing appreciation for our armed services.  There are a couple very simple; (and free!) things that we can do every day to show  appreciation for the military and the job that they do. Continue reading Everyday things you can do to show appreciation to the military

The moment when a child knows what you’re thinking

Children are a fabulous, compact, confusing version of us.  What they see and do may not immediately be proof of them being from you.  Stop for a moment, twist what they’re saying, pronounce it like Urkel from Family Matters would and you just might understand what they’re trying to tell you. Continue reading The moment when a child knows what you’re thinking

How many questions does a toddler ask in one day?

Why are stay at home parents so exhausted at the end of the day?   I read a sarcastic article that said that parents are tired because of all the questions they answer during a given day.  I put forth  the question of how many questions does a toddler  ask by marking down each time our 3.5 year old asked me a question.  Just for the sake of making it fun I also wrote down the questions, hilarity ensues.   Continue reading How many questions does a toddler ask in one day?

G.I. Joe: Cobra-Oktober Guard is enjoyable noir Spy

This month is turning into all Joe all the time.  What with the movie (a sequel has already been green lit!) and me reading G.I. Joe: Cobra-Oktober Guard I’m all but casting my left hand into a kung fu grip.  Oktober Guard is a different kind of Joe graphic novel, which is a great thing, especially after my last experience. Continue reading G.I. Joe: Cobra-Oktober Guard is enjoyable noir Spy

4 disgusting things I do because I’m a Dad

Stay at home dads are just like stay at home moms for the most part.   Granted our child running  into my groin* would hurt much worse than him doing the same thing to his mom, but parenting wise, we’re all on the same field.  A nice post last week highlighted 5 disgusting things that moms do.  Any parent can identify with them, but I wanted to add perspective from this side of the chromosome.  Continue reading 4 disgusting things I do because I’m a Dad

What to expect from your 18 month old toddler

Babies start to become fun when they turn 5 months.  Granted they are always fun, but sometimes the work to fun ratio is weighted heavily (exclusively) in work.  By now your little toddler is probably walking to some extent.  What else can you expect from your 18 month old toddler? Continue reading What to expect from your 18 month old toddler

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