Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

The set up is simple.  Countless Dad blogs enter the online octagon to make the list that Circle of Moms will put out for their Top 25 Dad Blogs.  You click on a link that votes for said Dad Blog and only the Top 25 Dad Blogs remain.  It’s kind of like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Circle of Moms is playing the Tina Turner part.

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A dad and the communication stages of the Toddler

The 17 month old toddler is a magical, highly excitable creature that still has trouble communicating to mom and dad.  While the toddler’s point gets made, it lacks a certain finesse.  In observing our toddler we’ve determined that a 17 month old has three forms of verbal communication: Chinese Baby, Bobcat Goldwaite and The Singing Frog, Continue reading A dad and the communication stages of the Toddler

The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

Guys are a tricky lot.  Sometimes aspects of our personality or behavior may not be what are best for hygiene, friendships or employment.  Part of that trickiness* can be attributed to youth, while other traits can only be laid solely on the backs of our Guy DNA. Continue reading The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Cutting down a Tree

Before reading any farther, ask yourself these questions.    Is the tree in the middle of the forest?  Am I a lumberjack?  If the answer to either of those questions was “No”, then you should not cut this tree down.

The particular tree in question for this dad was a dead 60 foot tall pine that was standing in the way of progress.  Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Cutting down a Tree

A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Gift cards were probably invented by a man.  This man may or may not have been a dad, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.  This dad had probably purchased, once too often a blouse, skirt or moo moo that were not the color or style that his spouse wanted.

Then again, it’s possible that a woman invented the gift card.  This woman; was probably a wife, whose knucklehead husband once bought her a moo moo. Continue reading A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Jobs my son will hopefully never have: Strip club DJ

In theory a job as a DJ is fun and glamorous.  Continuing that theory, a job as a DJ in a strip club must then be even more exotic.  All you’re doing is playing music for ladies to undress to, what could be hard about that?  However, a job like that job is nothing to go into half cocked, it requires attention to detail and concentration.

Let’s imagine a more innocent time in 1993; the biggest news in nudity was that a show on ABC called NYPD Blue was casting extras who didn’t mind getting naked.  Thankfully, for insecure middle aged men everywhere, Lt. Sipowitz was available and more than willing to go as full monty as 10:00 PM allows. Continue reading Jobs my son will hopefully never have: Strip club DJ

The 40 million year old paper weight-Sand dollars in the Sahara

Mothers and wives sometimes don’t see the value in what guys or growing boys have.  Sometimes it’s a collection, a piece of clothing or a thing that looks like an old rock. For me it started with a concert tee for Oingo Boingo, who I had seen in concert at an outdoor festival.  That was early 80s new wave at its best, even today Boingo’s music sounds great thanks in part to Danny Elfman and their tight rhythm.  Their frantic, multi layered music captured the sensibilities of a hyperactive teenage boy perfectly. Continue reading The 40 million year old paper weight-Sand dollars in the Sahara

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