As part of the #MoDSquad for Father’s Day, this is what #Imbornto

We were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own and really, this organization is so easy to support. Read the later hashtag again, except this time, say it aloud.  #Imbornto, that’s a heavy line isn’t it?  It kind of reminds you of the last line Tom Hanks said in Saving Private Ryan. For the record it was “Earn this” and for me it was more motivational than sad. March of Dimes has partnered with The Motherhood this Father’s Day to spread awareness, raise some money this Father’s Day season and be thankful.

As part of the #MoDSquad, this is what #Imbornto

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Little Boy, inspiration and a boy’s love for his father

Little Boy is a film that I’ll be watching soon for #FandangoFamily. It’s rated PG-13 so I won’t be taking our children who are three and five, but from the reviews that I’ve read it’s a solid film for date night, teens and the upper age tween children. Little Boy is the story about the relationship between an eight-year-old boy and his dad.

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Denny’s Denny’s and eating out with the children #ad

I’m a Denny’s Ambassador and was compensated for this post.  All thoughts are our own because, bacon and children. For a two year period, when I lived in Japan I ate at Denny’s at least once a week.  You’re in a faraway place with any number of food options, but sometimes, you just want what you know. For the record the food was just as delicious and affordable as it is in the states. Now that I’m a dad I took the boys to Denny’s for their first time and here’s what we learned.

Denny’s Denny’s and eating out with the children

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Our Oncologist, paranoid thoughts and the baby store

It was our first trip to the Oncologist since a friend of ours died of brain cancer. Cancer is a weird thing and it’s important not to let it twist your thoughts. The (very tiny) paranoid area of my brain would freak out when I had a headache just after his death.  No, it’s just a headache and that’s why you go to the doctor to confirm that everything is OK. This was our almost two year appointment after being diagnosed with melanoma.

Our Oncologist, paranoid thoughts and the baby store

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Under the Radar Michigan: The First 50, great for tourists & locals

Most summers we vacation in Michigan. Specifically we go to the Traverse City and the Charlevoix region.  In the northern Michigan area the temperatures, even in the middle of July rarely get uncomfortable.  Under The Radar Michigan is a popular show that’s on PBS stations in Michigan. Their new book Under The Radar Michigan: The First 50 takes a look at some of the best gems from their first 50 episodes and puts them in a book.

Under the Radar Michigan: The First 50, great for tourists & locals

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Gaunt and skinny, Mr. Potato Head and parenting expectations

The next best place to an airport to people watch is the food court.  The boys and I were having ice cream and the eldest snickered at someone walking by.  “It’s not nice to laugh at people”, I said.  I looked up to see what had attracted his attention and did a double take.  He was a teen that looked as close to someone in person as one of the Twins from The Matrix as you could imagine.  Granted, he was shorter and wasn’t wearing a trench coat; but he was the suburbia twin looking for Neo, or perhaps ice cream.

Gaunt and skinny, Mr. Potato Head and parenting expectations


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The Dove Street Festival of Lights returns to Hilton Head Island

In 2010 a beloved 20 year tradition left Hilton Head Island.  The Dove Street Festival of Lights took place on Dove Street and literally lit up the night sky with houses along both sides a blaze with festive holiday lights.  It was a fundraise that gave tens of thousands of dollars each year to The Deep Well Project, in addition to hundreds of memories over that 20 year period.  However, The Dove Street Festival of Lights grew too big for its residential location and went out on a high note.  This year the iconic festival is returning to Hilton Head Island at Shelter Cove Towne Centre from November 28-January 4.

SCTC - Dove Street Festival of Lights


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What if you died today?

I don’t mean that as a threat or an ultimatum, but rather, what if you were the victim of a tragic accident and killed today?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m an incredibly optimistic person.  I never obsess about the worst case scenario.  I do, however; acknowledge that it could occur, but I factor in all possible outcomes and accept that it will be one of those.  The worst case and the best case normally don’t happen, it’s somewhere in the middle.  But what if you, or I, never came home again to see our loved ones?

What if i died today

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