Taking time out at Denny’s for dinner with the kids

Hey, we’re a Denny’s Ambassador and were compensated for this post. Having said that, bacon. Manic chaos. Life is like that. During the holidays more people than usual are like that. This week on one of our many, seemingly countless errands we stopped by Denny’s with the kids. It was a chance to, dare I say, relax during the holiday season, recharge and then head back out. I saw their Tastes of the Holidays and it spoke to me.

Taking time out at Denny’s for dinner with the kids

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Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising

You’ve probably seen one of the Pie Face Game videos on YouTube. The first one we saw was called ‘World’s Coolest Granddad’ or something like that. It featured a child with his grandfather playing the game. The child was laughing hysterically, as were all of the people in the room. It was a genuine, simple homemade video that let millions of people see the family have fun, as well as, asking what the heck is that game. All of the kids played Pie Face Game recently; they laughed hysterically, made a mess and tried desperately to convince, mom, dad or any of the grands to get in with them.

Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising

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This is why you should not adopt Snoopy

If you like Peanuts then you love Snoopy. Snoopy is the beagle flying on the Sopwith Camel that has entertained generations of people. However, it’s very possibly that you should not adopt Snoopy. Yes, the beagle is super cute, has a small frame, is very easy going and great with kids, but you shouldn’t rush out to adopt one just because you fell in love with Peanuts again. Here are the pros and cons of adopting a beagle like Snoopy.

First off it’s important to note the timing. After every major movie release and natural disaster people want to adopt “the” pet. After Hurricane Katrina people were moved to adopt a ‘Katrina’ pet. We would say that those animals were in quarantine, but we have lots of other great animals. “No thanks” was quite often the response. The same goes for the aftermath of every major natural disaster where pet evacuations were needed and rescue organizations transported pets from there or accepted them in a safe area.

When an animal themed movie is released it opens up a floodgate of curiosity about the breed. 101 Dalmatians was released and animal shelters around the country received requests about Dalmatians. “I’m sorry, we don’t have any Dalmatians, but we do have dozens of other great dogs”, their response was the same as the people who wanted a ‘Katrina’ pet.  The same goes for any Chihuahua, Shaggy Dog or erstwhile Benji-looking breed out there.

This is why you should not adopt Snoopy

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A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

We’re a Denny’s Ambassador and were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own.   October is a manic month in our house populated with four family birthdays, countless fall festivals and our own personal need to relax. Jake just turned 6 and he loves Denny’s. He calls the one in our area the ‘castle Denny’s’ because it looks like a log cabin inside. For his birthday meal he called the shots and he said he wanted to go to the castle Denny’s.

A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

This place has memories for us. It’s one of the first public places that his younger brother, Charlie, used the toilet. That was a big step for him and we celebrated that day by getting a big fudge brownie with ice cream; although it’s entirely possible I would’ve ordered that anyway.

When we got there for the special birthday trip the kids were excited, sat down and asked which animal cups were available. It’s their thing-cups with animals in the bottom of it. When they outgrow this phase a little part of me will be very sad. They then looked for the kid’s menu, started coloring, doing the crafts and imagining what they’d eat.


Continue reading A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

Cyber bullying & Facebook: How To Protect Your Child

If the internet is good at one thing, it’s allowing people to fake their identities. After all, with just a few clicks of the button, bullies can create an entire fake profile and completely hide who they are while attacking a victim…

…or can they?

In the last few years, Facebook has introduced a number of new features, and it’s easier than ever before to shut down anonymous bullies and force them to come into the open.

Taking Control of the Privacy Settings

Like many social networks, Facebook prefers to have users spread their content as widely and publicly as possible – but while things often start public, they don’t have to remain that way.

Cyber bullying & Facebook: How To Protect Your Child

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Do you have an emergency and natural disaster plan for your pets?

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts are our own and if you’re a pet owner you really do need an emergency plan.  Before being a dad and starting Daddy Mojo I worked at a large animal shelter for five years in management. When you work for a non-profit organization in management you have to know everything about the business from top to bottom. During my time there I helped the shelter deal with various disasters, both natural and man-made. In all of those instances a plan to deal with your pets, as well as, an emergency kit with their supplies was something that I did not see enough of that would’ve saved time, money and lives. October is National Animal Safety and Protection Month and here’s a brief overview of what we learned on the job.

Do you have an emergency and natural disaster plan for your pets?

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Robot boxing in our #ManCave, our wish list item at Best Buy

We’ve been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. Have you seen Real Steel? It a Hugh Jackman film from 2011 about robot boxing. It’s a fabulous film that my wife even liked, it’s not that she’s a movie snob, she just went in with low expectations-partially due to my constant raving about it. In my ideal man cave I would have a robot boxing ring like this vision of robotic wresting on the Best Buy site.

Robot boxing in our #ManCave, our long term wish list at Best Buy

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Enter National Park Service free on 8/25 #FindYourPark

We’re big fans of getting outside. The kids like to hike, but still complain on the uphill parts and try to go too quickly when they go down. One thing about getting outside is that it is a parenting win. Everyone gets exercise, they burn off some sillies and mom/dad can get refreshed. To celebrate the 99th birthday of the National Park Service they’re waiving all entry fees into their parks on 8/25/15.

It’s the National Park Service’s 99th birthday-enter free

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