Preschool art education program at The High Museum of Art, Thursday, April 1 from 11-3. You can get all the details, as well as, tickets here.
Category: Family
Mom, dad and child make up the family. These posts are about the things that involve mom, dad and child.
Big knife pillow talk
The other night Mommy Mojo and I were going to bed. I was about to start reading my book when she had one of her questions that would befuddle Jack Handy.
“Sweetie, I decided that if an intruder comes into the house then I would take Jake, run out the house with my phone and call 911. What would you do?”
“We’ll, if I were stuck in the bedroom then I’d probably get the big knife”, I said.
I thought she knew about the big knife in the bedroom. “We have a big knife in the bedroom!?”, she said. At this point I suspected that my evening reading was probably not going to happen so I rolled out of the bed and proceeded to get the big knife.
It’s kept in my underwear drawer, so that way I can feign getting my socks or underwear when any burglars come in. ‘Oh, one moment Mr. Intruder, let me get some new socks on and I’ll show you where the valuables are…’, then I’d take the knife and get all Steven Segal on that predator.
I take the big knife out of the underwear drawer and my wife says, “Sweetie, that’s the big knife?
I wasn’t sure if I should run out and get the kitchen knife in my underwear drawer or lobby again for guns in the Mojo house.
Granted, in the kitchen, it’s not a big knife, but big is all relative. You put that knife someplace where you’re not expecting a knife, then it’s big. I put a tube of chap stick beside it so you can get a true scale of it’s blade.
Come to find out the big knife is a custom made cutter that can’t be duplicated. It was given to me on my 16th birthday, at the time a rather odd present I thought. My name is engraved on the edge of the blade and it’s something that I can pass down to Baby Mojo; so he can keep it in his underwear drawer when his wife won’t let him get a gun.
Mommy Mojo loves to ask deep questions right when we’re about to go to sleep.
True conversation
Mommy Mojo: Sweetie, would you still love me if I had amnesia?
Daddy Mojo: Yes, sweetie. I’d still love you if you had amnesia and when you asked me why we had 10 dogs I’d say, ‘sweetie, we had 10 dogs before you were sick, you don’t remember them?’
Since my big knife was ridiculed I’m going to lobby for something more effective to fight home intruders with, like a cross-bow. I’ll put a catherine wheel in the corner just in case I need to get all Sir Lancelot on that predator.
Five little monkeys

While I was teaching ESL I was a master of children’s songs. Itsy Bitsy, How’s the Weather-all of them I could bust out at a moment’s notice when the crowd started to get fussy.
One of the classics I discovered was Five Little Monkeys. No doubt you parents know this song, but if you don’t it can certainly calm down one irritable toddler. In a classroom setting this song is great because it’s active, the children can yell, jump and move around.
The other day little Jake, all 18 pounds of him was in a tizzy. A full blown, teething mess of baby that could not be quelled by any of the usual tricks. The Wheels on the Bus were just coming off and I reached into my pocket and started Five Little Monkeys.
Immediately we had success! The red faced, 10 octave, screamapiller had been replaced by the baby who can make any parent melt.
All was good and well, baby meltdown averted (or at least curtailed) and we were clear to proceed to bedtime. My parenting genius affirmed and thankful for my mad rhyming ability I sauntered downstairs to relax.
Come the next morning I get out of bed and notice a newfound tenderness to my groin. In my zeal to maintain the monkeys jumping, i.e., me lifting up the baby and bringing him down on my lap; I realized that I may have been a bit too forceful in his descent.
While there weren’t any baby sized foot prints or bruises on my lower stomach, thighs or groin; I immediately knew that his teeny, tiny feet had pounced one too many times in a geographically sensitive area.
The lesson for this Stay At Home Dad: Be gentle when singing Five Little Monkeys if you want to have any more little monkeys.
Also, get familiar yourself with a greater variety of children’s songs-I’m a Little Teapot, Itsy Bitsy, etc. We still do Five Little Monkey, just a bit slower, with his feet touching the sofa or ground, instead of dad.