As an animal guy this dad is all for getting a pet for the family. Any pet that is being adopted should always have plenty of thought regarding expenses, lifestyle and considerations if said pet is appropriate for your situation. Lastly, the adoption process shouldn’t be motivated by popular trends or holidays. If Disney releases a movie about the cute exploits of a porcupine dog that smells of sulfur, but has cute eyes and loves children then parents around the world would be looking for this smelly beast to adopt. Continue reading A bunny is a bad gift this Easter
Category: Family
Mom, dad and child make up the family. These posts are about the things that involve mom, dad and child.
Daddy Mojo says: Pregnant women smell good
As a dad and comic book geek I often fantasize about super powers and which one, presuming I could have only one, I would choose. It has to be a super power and not an object that gives you certain abilities. So doing a Green Lantern or having multiple abilities like Superman or Spider Man isn’t an option. Though, it would be cool to be able to control the fish like Aquaman, but then I’d totally have to lay off the seafood. Continue reading Daddy Mojo says: Pregnant women smell good
Why do 1 in 5 U.S. women have kids with more than one dad?
Dads I want to give you a pep talk. The involvement of a father can dramatically reduce the odds of a child from getting involved with substance abuse. Those kids also live in a safer home, are more physically active and stand a much greater change to avoid poverty. Go dads, you rock, well most of you rock. Continue reading Why do 1 in 5 U.S. women have kids with more than one dad?
Mrs. Butterworth’s Family Breakfast, 3/27 at Piedmont Park
Dads love free. Dads love family. Dads love pancakes and waffles. Combine all of these things plus the iconic Mrs. Butterworth and you have a fabulous event happening on March 27. Mrs. Butterworth’s Family Breakfast Ball is this Sunday, March 27 from 9:30-12 p.m. at Piedmont Parks Magnolia Hall Lawn. It’s a free event that’s designed to celebrate spring and show off Mrs. Butterworth’s new limited-edition spring time bottles. Who knew she had a change of clothes? Continue reading Mrs. Butterworth’s Family Breakfast, 3/27 at Piedmont Park
Australian bullying wrap up and tough love from dad
It bothers me when a youth does something criminal and then the media talk to the neighbors or parents. “Well, they were such a nice young child, it just doesn’t seem like something that they would do”, the parent would say. It doesn’t matter the crime, the statement from the parent is always the same.
That is the part that bothers me. The parent saying such a stereotypical halfhearted non apology doesn’t’ do anything to help the youth, victim or family. I’ve long waited for a parent to step up and say something along the lines of ‘my child screwed up and they’ll pay the consequences’. A dad in Ipswich, Australia has just done the next best thing by driving them to the police station after he caught his two children bullying a younger one. Continue reading Australian bullying wrap up and tough love from dad
Casey Haynes, bullies, parents and the hypocrisy of YouTube
It’s been a busy week for viral videos, there’s the child laughing at mom blowing her nose, that strange creature with an umbrella and Casey Haynes getting bullied at school. The first two were great to see, but the bullying video has really taken on a life of its own for many reasons. Continue reading Casey Haynes, bullies, parents and the hypocrisy of YouTube
A disaster puts everything in your tiny life in perspective
A disaster along the scale of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan can bring no good news. It’s a tragic natural disaster that can produce stories of hope and surprise rescues, but the death toll is almost certain to rise over 10,000.
The reason this tragedy affects me more than the Indonesian tsunami in 2004 is that I lived in Japan for a couple years and personally know how gentle and kind they are. Continue reading A disaster puts everything in your tiny life in perspective
Is No Ordinary Family the best show on television?
Stay at home parents cherish time away from their child. We love them dearly, but those moments when we relax and have some adult time, watch television or read a book is a hot commodity. For those stay at home parents who have a part time job or home based business your time during the week is even more valuable.
I don’t, I can’t watch television during the week. I’d love to watch something every night of the week, but then my clients wouldn’t get their work done, my wife wouldn’t receive any conversation and Daddy Mojo wouldn’t get any reviews, commentary (or fart jokes) written. Having said that, I stop what I’m doing on Tuesday nights so I can watch No Ordinary Family on ABC. Continue reading Is No Ordinary Family the best show on television?