“Brave” free fun at Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park 6/16, 9-2

The Highlands are coming to Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park for one day only.  You’ll have the opportunity to test your skills in archery, the caber toss, hammer throw and the sheaf toss.  It’ll be as close as going to the Highlands without eating haggis- it’s also free and fun for the whole family.  Continue reading “Brave” free fun at Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park 6/16, 9-2

Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

Dream Works Animation is partnering with Lowe’s to produce some children’s crafts that really have character.  These are the free children’s clinics that Lowe’s has in their stores.  Key words:  free, fun, Dream Works Animation inspired wood projects at Lowe’s and free. Continue reading Lowe’s Build and Grow children’s clinics-free fun all summer

Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

For the past several years I’ve grown something edible in the garden.  It started out with tomatoes, then blackberries were added and this year we threw in zucchini, catnip and basil.  The majority of our family’s food doesn’t come from the side of our house though. Continue reading Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

Memories for my children and ones that I can’t remember

To be clear, by ‘ones that I can’t remember’ I mean memories, and not children that I’ve forgotten.    My wife used to make fun of me because I don’t remember anything about my childhood.  She is like an elephant in the fact that she remembers tiny details about her life when she was a kid.  The places they’d visit, favorite meals, conversations, holiday traditions-you name it she can probably recall it. Continue reading Memories for my children and ones that I can’t remember

Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

My Wife is great.  She’s a great Mother, fabulous Wife and my best friend.  Around gift giving occasions she’ll let me know exactly what she wants or needs.  Wait, it gets better; usually she wants a gift card to a store.  Score two man points in the good husband category. Continue reading Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

Tips for having more fun at Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World is an incredibly large place to visit.  I worked there for two and a half years and recently visited for the first time in 15 years-and with a family.  Despite the time since my last visit many aspects about having fun in the parks at Walt Disney World have remained the same.  We took the trip as a family, but these tips work for anyone visiting any of the parks. Continue reading Tips for having more fun at Walt Disney World

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