Lace Up For Boston is Monday, April 22-wear running shoes

Lace Up For Boston is something that was organized three days after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.  Lace Up For Boston is not a fundraising organization, nor is it a pass through for any donations at all.  Wear running shoes to work on Monday, April 22 as a way to show your support, love and solidarity to those in Boston. Continue reading Lace Up For Boston is Monday, April 22-wear running shoes

Hallmark Squawkin Egg Droppin’ Hen Review and Giveaway

The Hallmark Squawkin Egg Dropin’ Hen is one of those products that parents and children love.  Those who aren’t parents or have children may scratch their head and wonder why said product exists.  The hen, squawks out a rhyme to the tune of “Whoomp there it is”, and lays 3 eggs during her rhyme.  Continue reading Hallmark Squawkin Egg Droppin’ Hen Review and Giveaway

Ringling Bros: Dragons, a boy’s first trip to the circus

We took 3YO Mojo to see the Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus last week.  As with most 3YO little people he was excited, full of questions and wanted to eat everything in sight.  He was especially fond of the ‘tiger ice cream’, that’s what he called the icy freeze that was in his elephant souvenir cup.  Continue reading Ringling Bros: Dragons, a boy’s first trip to the circus

Free fun for the fam-Giant Slayer Day at Mall of Georgia, Saturday, 2/23

Being a frugal dad my button gets pushed, in a good way, when something is fun and free.  If you combine the possibility of seeing a movie (for free) and reading, then I’m there.   It all revolves around the new Bryan Singer movie, Jack The Giant Slayer and takes place at Mall of Georgia from 1-3 on 2/23. Continue reading Free fun for the fam-Giant Slayer Day at Mall of Georgia, Saturday, 2/23

Gifts for Mom (or your Wife) on Valentine’s Day

Somehow or another Valentine’s Day is almost here. We’re all busy and the quest for a great gift may have gotten away from us. There is still time to get your bride, best friend, possible bride, girlfriend or special girl something that they’ll love and think of you when they look at it. Continue reading Gifts for Mom (or your Wife) on Valentine’s Day

Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3

3 YO Mojo is giddy. For the past two years we’ve been to the welcoming ceremony for the circus.  That’s the elephant parade for lack of a better term when some elephants and clowns come outside the arena the morning before the first show.  Those times he was too young to enjoy it, but now that he knows (and loves) all of his animals, he is primed to go this year. Continue reading Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3

International Delight Light Iced Coffee Review and taste test

I have a cat tongue*, yet I’m a parent who needs caffeine.  To make things more complicated I need to watch what I drink because those stealthy calories add up, especially if multiple cups a day are drank.  Enter the solution to my cold beverage craving mouth, International Delight Light Iced Coffee. Continue reading International Delight Light Iced Coffee Review and taste test

Nothing prepares a parent for a child’s first trip to the ER

Children are resilient, bouncy creatures covered in fleshy skin.  It’s probable that at some point during your parenting adventures they’ll have an accident or do something to warrant their first trip to the ER.   That happened to us-everyone is OK, just a boo boo, but it’s a bigger than average boo boo on his chin that required 6 stitches.  Continue reading Nothing prepares a parent for a child’s first trip to the ER

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