Super Siblings #1, fun for geeks of all ages

Super Siblings #1 is a comic book adventure that’s written for geeks and their kids.  Super Siblings is a weekly comic strip about the adventures of Courtney and Conrad, who are also super heroes, The Scout and The Banshee.  Their parents don’t know about their super powers or their alternate life as the savior and scourge of Bay City. Continue reading Super Siblings #1, fun for geeks of all ages

What to expect from your Melanoma surgery

Recap:  My wife saw a mole on my back and said (in a loving manner) “get that thing checked out”. The dermatologist biopsied it, came back cancerous and here we are for Melanoma surgery. Melanoma is a complex thing- lots of blogs go into detail about what stage is this or what astrological sign that is. This is my experience with melanoma.   You’re not really consulting a blog that bills itself as ‘poop culture’ for valid medical advice about your specific case, are you? Continue reading What to expect from your Melanoma surgery

The first trip to the Melanoma doctor was mitosis-tastic

The first trip to the Melanoma doctor was a mitosis dividing success!  We learned that EKG’s can be a good love tester, a procedural visit to this doctor means that you’ll need surgery anyway and Judas Priest Spider-Man isn’t just a magical leather clad fantasy in your 80’s metal mind.  Continue reading The first trip to the Melanoma doctor was mitosis-tastic

My wife on NBC Nightly News about being the breadwinner

I am a stay at home dad.  Our family is allowed to have me stay at home with the children because my wife earned much more money than I when we started having children.  When the Pew Research study about women breadwinners came out she was featured on NBC Nightly News.  This is Daddy Mojo 101, how it came to be and video footage of the kids from NBC. Continue reading My wife on NBC Nightly News about being the breadwinner

Everyday things you can do to show appreciation to the military

New Year’s Resolutions when you think about them are kind of silly.  If you really want to change behavior or drop bad habits then you can do it any day, and not just when the year changes.  The same thing goes for showing appreciation for our armed services.  There are a couple very simple; (and free!) things that we can do every day to show  appreciation for the military and the job that they do. Continue reading Everyday things you can do to show appreciation to the military

Life lessons reminded by the expiration date on peanut butter

The other day I opened the kitchen cabinet and noticed the expiration date on our peanut butter.  Being that we’re a family of 4 I knew that this jar would never, ever last to the end of the month, much less 2015.  2015 in the context of a jar of peanut butter seems impossibly far away.  It’s a date too absurd to even think about, until I looked to the right of that cabinet. Continue reading Life lessons reminded by the expiration date on peanut butter

Review & giveaway: Angry Birds Star Wars AT-AT Attack Battle Game

It truly is a week for outstanding combinations.  To help review the Angry Birds Star Wars I was provided with, I arranged a gaggle of children aged 3-10 to come over the house and play.  Well, the 3 year old lives here, the game is intended for ages 5 and up; but I couldn’t very kick my son out of the house for a couple hours while we play with Angry Birds Star Wars could I? Continue reading Review & giveaway: Angry Birds Star Wars AT-AT Attack Battle Game

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